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strivings Meaning in Bengali

strivings's Usage Examples:

Such strivings provide stability to people’s lives, making their experiences more coherent.

consists of two main dimensions: perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns.

Perfectionistic strivings are associated with positive aspects of perfectionism;.

black slaves and freemen, the participation of American Indians, and the strivings of American women as events progress.

deals with Christians and particularly Presbyterians especially in their strivings with church and civil authorities.

Spiritual transformation can be understood in terms of new configurations of strivings" (p.

second work seeks to make a connection between the oft-maligned material strivings of middle-class Americans and a more profound focus on one's future, which.

"Personality includes attitudes, modes of thought, feelings, impulses, strivings, actions, responses to opportunity and stress and everyday modes of interacting.

distinguished émigré predecessor, Dmytro Doroshenko, in stressing the strivings for national unity, autonomy, and independence of the Ukrainian Cossack.

want of a kernel of personality prevents co-ordination in the person's strivings.

uses it to describe his "labour" in the sense of his life's work and strivings.

'Comical strivings in Restless Natives', 'The New York Times;, 12 September 1986.


grandiose fantasies and strivings.

In this transference, the strivings of the grandiose self.

The theory addresses instances of apparent self-view confirmation strivings and details an economical description of why these behaviors occur.

assumption of success, revealed for Adler the reactive nature of such strivings.


effort; jihad; strain; endeavor; attempt; nisus; pains; try; endeavour; jehad;


abstain; refrain; inactivity; worst; best;

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