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structureless Meaning in Bengali


structureless's Usage Examples:

Its name is derived from its incoherent, structureless spectral properties which, when played through an audio system, sound.

non-ansae type bar embedded in a very extensive envelope, which is structureless except for the bar.

There are also structureless conditions.

The song gradually becomes almost structureless and in free-form tempo, punctuated only by strange guitar noises.

The mostly structureless body (thallus) forms powdery cushions of lichen granules (soredia) over.

structureless (e.

Connecting rings are most commonly thin and structureless but in certain derived forms may become actinosiphonate with inwardly.

filamentous – stringy or like matted hair byssoid – wispy, like teased wool structureless Sri Lanka is an island, which serves a great diversity vegetation which.

Between ectoderm and endoderm is a supporting layer of structureless gelatinous substance termed mesoglea, secreted by the cell layers of.

pop songs, while the segueing interludes between songs are generally structureless, with no beats at all.

bedroom office, he took the sport of golf in Tennessee from a largely structureless environment into the era of modern commercial golf.

proves the converse: that music can also be melted architecture — a structureless rubble of notes.

Given a wave function ψ {\displaystyle \psi } for a single structureless particle in position space, implies that the probability density function.

He writes, however, that the film works well "in a structureless, no-holds-barred nonsense sort of way, chockfull of some admittedly.

without adding anything new, and he remarked that the episode was oddly structureless.

their structure when wet and then set hard as they dry out to form a structureless mass that is very difficult to cultivate.

The lahar (mudflow) deposits consist of normally massive and structureless, matrix-supported conglomerates that contain subangular, poorly sorted.

are predominantly reddish or minor green mudstones that are either structureless, horizontally laminated, or medium to thickly bedded.

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