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subalterns Meaning in Bengali


ক্যাপটেনের অপেক্ষা নিম্নপদস্থ সেনাপতিবিশেষ,

subalterns's Usage Examples:

Continental Army subalterns ranks were supposed to wear green colored cockades in their hats.

the ranks of lieutenant and second lieutenant are often referred to as subalterns and these and captains are also referred to as company officers.

deals with the condition of marginalized groups in society pointed out as subalterns by Marxist Antonio Gramsci.

was, along with the logothetes tou praitoriou, one of the two senior subalterns to the Eparch of Constantinople, the chief administrator of the capital.

Hessians, recovered the gun unspiked and all the detachment except 2 subalterns, 5 grenadiers and 2 artillery men.

Instead, they focus on non-elites — subalterns — as agents of political and social change.

artillery soldiers, mariners, engineers, non-commissioned officers, subalterns, officers in the navy below commander, yeomanry, militia, fencibles, and.

punishment for subalterns (junior commissioned officers such as captains and lieutenants)[citation needed].

In fact, the RSM may conduct "subalterns' parades".

colored cockades in their hats, the captains yellow or buff, and the subalterns green.

including six majors, four captains by brevet, six civil engineers and twenty subalterns of the line.

hangers-on, with little or no military experience, along with a number of subalterns brought in from the British Fleet.

one regimental adjutant (Regimentsadjutant) four battalion adjutants (subalterns) (Bataillonsadjutanten (Subalternoffiziere)) one sapper officer (Pionieroffizier).

Generals there performed the functions of captains, and the colonels of subalterns [sic].

main purpose is to train (diploma and first degree) students to become subalterns or young officers to serve as active reservists in the TA 500 series upon.

Because the dominant white culture in America treated African Americans as subalterns rather than full American citizens and full human beings, the Black Pride.


lower-ranking; petty; junior; lowly; secondary; junior-grade;


dominant; essential; primary; original; senior;

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