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subbasal Meaning in Bengali


উপ বেস,

subbasal's Usage Examples:

edge and sometimes a subcostal line dark fuscous ; a curved dark fuscous subbasal line ; lines and transverse discal spots strongly outlined with dark fuscous.

various shades of reddish-ochreous washed with pale violaceous-grey ; subbasal line dusky brown; transverse discal band white or violaceous-grey, dilated.

The forewings have an indistinct waved subbasal line and a black spot at the end of the cell and there is an oblique medial.

The ground colour is warm sandy brown and the forewing has entire subbasal and postmedian lines.

Forewing: a subbasal pair of transverse white strigae, a shorter pair along the discocellulars.

It is similar to Adhemarius palmeri, but the forewing upperside subbasal band is complete and irregular along proximal margin, the antemedian oblique.

The base of the forewings is brown with a white subbasal fascia and a yellow antemedian fascia, edged with brown.

Forewings light ochreous-brown; subbasal line anteriorly black-edged; first line black-edged posteriorly except.

width of the black markings on the upperside, especially of the basal and subbasal bands that cross the forewing, both of which also extend to the dorsum.

base suffused slightly with ochraceous; subbasal, discal and post-discal transverse orange bands, the subbasal straight, the other two slightly curved.

The basal, subbasal and antemedial lines consist of brown-tipped scales.

The hindwings have subbasal and medial lines consisting of.

pale orange brown to pale olive with a number of faint, wavy, parallel subbasal lines and a narrow dark longitudinal streak from the costa to the proximity.

shorter-winged, oftener with a very pale, blue-green median band, the oblique subbasal line is straight, or only very weakly angulated in the cell, the black.

There is a yellow subbasal fascia from the dorsum to the costa, which is edged with brown.

The subbasal fascia is white, suffused with ochreous towards the edge and the antemedian.

There is a blackish subbasal band on the forewing upperside and a median yellow band of nearly even.

The forewings are fuscous with a pale subbasal fascia and a suffused discal spot.

There is a dark fuscous subbasal dot on the dorsum and a yellowish antemedian fascia, as well as two parallel.

terminal margins much darker, and generally with more or less distinct subbasal and discal dark bands.

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