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subducted Meaning in Bengali

subducted's Usage Examples:

window – A gap that forms in a subducted oceanic plate when a mid-ocean ridge meets with a subduction zone and the ridge is subducted Wilson Cycle – Geophysical.

It has been subducted under the North American Plate at the Aleutian Trench, being replaced.

In geology, a slab window is a gap that forms in a subducted oceanic plate when a mid-ocean ridge meets with a subduction zone and plate divergence at.

originally thought to have formed by partial melting of altered basalt that is subducted below volcanic arcs.

early 21st century posit that large pieces of the lithosphere have been subducted into the mantle as deep as 2900 km to near the core-mantle boundary, while.

continental crust is light and thick enough so it is not subducted, while oceanic crust is periodically subducted and replaced at subduction and oceanic rifting.

a typical distance that oceanic lithosphere must travel before being subducted, the thickness varies from about 6 km (4 mi) thick at mid-ocean ridges.

In geology, a slab is the portion of a tectonic plate that is being subducted.

Ocean off the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada, which is partially subducted under the North American Plate.

Ma, the Izanagi Plate was completely subducted and replaced by the western Pacific Plate, which also subducted in the north-western direction.

Carnegie Ridge is an aseismic ridge on the Nazca Plate that is being subducted beneath the South American Plate.

zone where the defunct Phoenix Plate, now part of the Antarctic Plate, subducted under the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands.

This subducted material sinks through the Earth's interior.

Some subducted material appears to reach the lower mantle.

break down and dissolve when exposed to the atmosphere, or melt as it is subducted under a continent.

a remnant part of the once-vast Farallon Plate, which is now largely subducted underneath the North American Plate.

Afghanistan, and parts of Iraq and Pakistan Molucca Sea Plate – small fully subducted tectonic plate near Indonesia Halmahera Plate – small tectonic plate in.

eastern end is the Chile Triple Junction where the Chile Rise is being subducted below the South American Plate in the Peru–Chile Trench.

Indonesia, the Molucca Sea Plate has been classified by scientists as a fully subducted microplate that is part of the Molucca Sea Collision Complex.

As the oceanic plate is subducted, it is subjected to greater and greater pressures with increasing depth.

the Juan Fernández Archipelago and a long seamount chain that is being subducted in the Peru–Chile Trench at the site of Papudo giving origin to the Norte.

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