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suberect Meaning in Bengali


প্রয়োজক, অহং, আত্ম, মন, পাত্র, নাগরিক, প্রজা, অধীন লোক, উদ্দেশ্য, প্রসঙ্গ, উপলক্ষ্য,


বশে আনা, দমন করা,


শর্তাধীন, প্রবণ, দায়ী, নির্ভরশীল, মুখাপেক্ষী, সাপেক্ষ, বাধ্য, বাধ্যবাধকতাযুক্ত, এলাকাধীন, নিয়ন্ত্রণাধীন, আয়ত্ত, শাসনাধীন, পরবশ, বশ, অধীন, পরাধীন,

suberect's Usage Examples:

( = monandrous), which is also fully incumbent ( = strongly convex) to suberect (= ascending towards the edges).

Leaves are suberect and strap shaped.

Micromeria chionistrae is a suberect to sprawling hairy-glandular subshrub up to 30 cm high.

Alyssum chondrogynum is a much branched subshrub with suberect, woody-at-base, stems, 20–50 cm high.

not reëntrant; pygidium closely but not densely clothed with slender and suberect pale squamules; under surface without sexual mark, the first ventral suture.

Stems from six inches to a foot long, slender, suberect, but feeble and scarcely able to support themselves, woody at the base.

fragarioides grows on ascending or suberect stems to a height of 20 to 30 cm (7.

Origanum cordifolium is a subshrub with suberect, cylindrical, hairless, often purplish shoots, 40–60 cm high.

Several suberect branches grow from the top of the tree.

paohsingensis grows on slender, ascending to suberect stems, from 20 to 40 cm (7.

Onobrychis venosa, veined sainfoin is a perennial, spreading or suberect herb 10–25 cm high, with a short stem.

It is a highly branched, evergreen shrub, 1–2 m high, erect, suberect, or hanging on walls, cliffs or trees, with hairless angular shoots.

Nepeta troodi, commonly known as Troodos cat-mint is a suberect, aromatic, perennial herb, 20–50 cm high, with a woody base and hairy tetragonal shoots.

Morphologically the minor workers are best separated by coarse, mostly suberect scape pilosity, impressed metanotal groove, relatively smaller eyes and.

preceded by a small spot of white suffusion, at the tornus meeting a suberect dark fuscous spot.

Leptocereus grantianus (sebucan) is a sprawling or suberect, nearly spineless cactus, reaching up to 2 meters in height and 3 to 5 centimeters in diameter.

The leaf is heart-shaped (7,5 cm long, 6 cm wide), suberect-to-spreading, and appears from April to October (Winter in southern hemisphere).

caespitose, erect to suberect, up to 11.

Ramicauls slender, erect to suberect, stout, up to.

styles (3-)4-6(-8) mm, long, equalling to slightly longer than ovary, free, suberect, outcurved near apex; stigmas truncate to narrowly subcapitate.

some portions of the legs were covered by weakly curved hairs, erect and suberect.

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