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subjects Meaning in Bengali

 প্রজা, প্রসঙ্গ, পাত্র, আত্ম, উপলক্ষ্য, নাগরিক, মন, অহং, উদ্দেশ্য, অধীন লোক, প্রয়োজক,


প্রয়োজক, অহং, আত্ম, মন, পাত্র, নাগরিক, প্রজা, অধীন লোক, উদ্দেশ্য, প্রসঙ্গ, উপলক্ষ্য,


বশে আনা, দমন করা,


শর্তাধীন, প্রবণ, দায়ী, নির্ভরশীল, মুখাপেক্ষী, সাপেক্ষ, বাধ্য, বাধ্যবাধকতাযুক্ত, এলাকাধীন, নিয়ন্ত্রণাধীন, আয়ত্ত, শাসনাধীন, পরবশ, বশ, অধীন, পরাধীন,

subjects's Usage Examples:

The federal subjects of Russia, also referred to as the subjects of the Russian Federation (Russian: субъекты Российской Федерации, romanized: subyekty.

In the United States, short films were generally termed short subjects from the 1920s into the 1970s when confined to two 35mm reels or less,.

MK-Ultra) is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the U.

consisted of eighty-five federal subjects that are constituent members of the Federation.

However, two of these federal subjects—the Republic of Crimea and.

The UK government has drawn up a list of preferred subjects known as the English Baccalaureate and the Progress 8 benchmark metric.

Methodologies vary depending on the nature of the subjects being studied.

Psychology however is considered a major part of STEM, besides the other two subjects.

s in all subjects, but have since changed to awarding B.

degrees in science subjects.

федера́льные округа́, federalnyye okruga) are groupings of the federal subjects of Russia.

"test article") and involves human beings as research subjects, commonly known as test subjects.

test subjects at one location investigators at other locations are recruited to join the study.

During the trial, investigators recruit subjects with.

On the classification of paranormal subjects, Terence Hines in his book Pseudoscience and the Paranormal (2003) wrote:.

abode in the United Kingdom but most British subjects do have this entitlement.

About 32,400 British subjects hold active British passports with this status.

promised free medical care, but were deceived by the PHS, who never informed subjects of their diagnosis and disguised placebos, ineffective methods, and diagnostic.

related to assisting subjects to avoid non compliance with a law, assisting subjects to remain safe and secure, assisting subjects after a safety impacting.

At Hogwarts, students must study a core group of subjects for the first two years, after which they must choose between several electives.

Those admitted to the degree have typically studied subjects within the scope of the humanities and social sciences, such as history.

Sverdlovsk Tambov Tomsk Tver Tula Tyumen Ulyanovsk Vladimir Volgograd Vologda Voronezh Yaroslavl Federal subjects of Russia Republics of Russia Volost.

two subjects, he/she can write the compartment in those subjects in July.

For those who fail the compartment, or those who fail in three subjects or more.

called data subjects in the GDPR) who are located in the EEA, and applies to any enterprise—regardless of its location and the data subjects' citizenship.


precedent; message; topic; keynote; subject matter; head; question; bone of contention; theme; substance; content;


unstrain; de-energise; sedate; strain; de-energize;

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