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subliminally Meaning in Bengali

subliminally's Usage Examples:

Most actions can be triggered subliminally only if the person is already prepared to perform a specific action.

Kleptography is the study of stealing information securely and subliminally.

He shows how one can make use of these parameters to send a message subliminally.

" It also subliminally fought against the ongoing Russian occupation of Georgia.

Covert racism often works subliminally, and often much of the discrimination is being done subconsciously.

materials, finish, typography and composition – which directly and subliminally communicate a company's values and personality through compelling imagery.

Buy More who unwittingly downloads the entire CIA/NSA secret database subliminally into his brain.

"appropriately fidgety and restless, a beehive of sound that almost subliminally coalesces into songs".

and physical tasks when first subliminally primed with positive age stereotypes, and performed worse when first subliminally primed with negative age stereotypes.

are several parts to the PPM system: An encoder that inserts the tones subliminally into a station's or broadcast network's airchain via psychoacoustic masking;.

the places he visited, finding new clues which he had perceived only subliminally while awake.

Music video content has remained culturally relevant and subliminally influential on adolescent character development.

He later revealed that he attempted to subliminally influence viewers' choices by placing advertisements in major newspapers.

last few days of service", this technique having been borrowed, albeit subliminally from Graham Greene's The Quiet American.

Citizens of the advanced world both consciously and subliminally transfer their displeasures to other human groups and species across.

existence of backmasked Satanic messages and their purported ability to subliminally affect listeners.

Priming is the process of subliminally arousing specific responses from memory and shows that not all memory.

However, in a scientific study participants that were subliminally exposed to frowning faces, were more likely to react with a frown when.

The pity in the subject comes to viewers subliminally through a visual poem of complexity and power.

He subliminally addresses people who have lots to say, but yet say nothing significant.

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