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subnormal Meaning in Bengali

 উপাভিলম্ব, ক্ষীণবুদ্ধি, ক্ষীণমতি, স্বাভাবিক অপেক্ষা ন্যূন,


ক্ষীণমতি, ক্ষীণবুদ্ধি, উপাভিলম্ব,

subnormal's Usage Examples:

mathematics, in the field of group theory, a subgroup H of a given group G is a subnormal subgroup of G if there is a finite chain of subgroups of the group, each.

A subnormal series (also normal series, normal tower, subinvariant series, or just.

distinct concept is a chief series: a composition series is a maximal subnormal series, while a chief series is a maximal normal series.

must obey the (not explicitly written) rules for the frontier between subnormal and normal numbers and must have special patterns for infinity and NaN.

computer science, denormal numbers or denormalized numbers (now often called subnormal numbers) fill the underflow gap around zero in floating-point arithmetic.

the Schreier refinement theorem of group theory states that any two subnormal series of subgroups of a given group have equivalent refinements, where.

subnormal operators are bounded operators on a Hilbert space defined by weakening the requirements for normal operators.

Some examples of subnormal operators.

The minimum strictly positive (subnormal) value is 2−262378 ≈ 10−78984 and has a precision of only one bit.

lens of the country's "educationally subnormal" (ESN) schools—previously called "schools for the mentally subnormal"—which disproportionately and wrongly.

floating-point data, which consist of finite numbers (including signed zeros and subnormal numbers), infinities, and special "not a number" values (NaNs) interchange.

If the chain is finite between H and G, then H is a subnormal subgroup of G.

Then every subnormal subgroup of G is serial.

of the proof that for finite groups, every quasinormal subgroup is a subnormal subgroup.

group in which the property of normality is transitive, that is, every subnormal subgroup is normal.

normal to the curve at P intersects the x-axis at N then AN is called the subnormal.

Decimals between 2−24 (minimum positive subnormal) and 2−14 (maximum subnormal): fixed interval 2−24 Decimals between 2−14 (minimum positive.

If the series is finite, then the subgroup is subnormal.

series is finite, then the subgroup is subnormal.

Here are some properties of ascendant subgroups: Every subnormal subgroup is ascendant; every ascendant.


abnormal; unnatural;


abnormality; sane; normal;

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