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succeeds Meaning in Bengali

 সিদ্ধিলাভ করা, উতরান, পশ্চাতে আসা, সফল হত্তয়া, সমৃদ্ধ হত্তয়া, উত্তরাধিকারী হত্তয়া, জয়লাভ করা, জয় করা, অনুসরণ করা, অনুবর্তী হত্তয়া, পদানুবর্তী হত্তয়া, যথাক্রমে আসা,


যথাক্রমে আসা, পদানুবর্তী হত্তয়া, অনুবর্তী হত্তয়া, অনুসরণ করা, পশ্চাতে আসা, জয় করা, জয়লাভ করা, উত্তরাধিকারী হত্তয়া, সমৃদ্ধ হত্তয়া, সফল হত্তয়া, উতরান, সিদ্ধিলাভ করা,

succeeds's Usage Examples:

Amtalqa succeeds his brother Aspelta as King of Kush.

562 BC: Amel-Marduk succeeds Nebuchadnezzar as King of Babylon.

560 BC: Neriglissar succeeds Amel-Marduk.

agnatic primogeniture, meaning that the eldest son of the King automatically succeeds to the crown upon the monarch's death, unless the King has designated one.

November 1991 – Rudolf Seiters (CDU) succeeds Schäuble as Minister of the Interior.

Friedrich Bohl (CDU) succeeds Seiters as Minister of Special Tasks.

Winston Churchill succeeds Herbert Gladstone as Home Secretary.

Sydney Buxton succeeds Churchill at the Board of Trade.

Herbert Samuel succeeds Buxton as Postmaster-General.

699 BC: Khallushu succeeds Shuttir-Nakhkhunte as king of the Elamite Empire.

In Völsunga saga, Rerir, the son of Sigi, succeeds his murdered father and avenges his death.

June 1933: Kurt Schmitt succeeds Alfred Hugenberg as Reich Minister of Economics.

Richard Walther Darré succeeds Hugenberg as Reich Minister for.

♣2: and the squeeze also succeeds against East: Although with North holding two threats the triple squeeze always succeeds against East, it can never.

Pouyer-Quertier succeeds Buffet as Minister of Finance.

5 June 1871 – Ernest Courtot de Cissey succeeds Le Flô as Minister of War.

Félix Lambrecht succeeds Picard.

rear of existing defences to bar the further progress of the enemy who succeeds in breaching or storming these.

Freyja succeeds in forcing Hyndla to tell Óttar about his ancestors.

993 BC: Amenemope succeeds Psusennes I as king of Egypt.

It is the principle that "whatever succeeds for the finite, also succeeds for the infinite".

succeeds Walter Long at the Admiralty.

Sir Arthur Griffith-Boscawen succeeds Lee as Minister of Agriculture.

March 1921 – Austen Chamberlain succeeds.

foundation of the city 889 BC: Takelot I succeeds his father Osorkon I as king of Egypt.

884 BC: Ashurnasirpal II succeeds his father Tukulti-Ninurta II as king.

It succeeds the Samsung NX300.

730 BC: Osorkon IV succeeds Sheshonq IV as king of the Twenty-second dynasty of Egypt.

730 BC: Piye succeeds his father Kashta as king of the.

It succeeds the Olympus PEN E-PM1.

– René Renoult succeeds Caillaux as Finance Minister.

Louis Malvy succeeds Renoult as Minister of the Interior.

Raoul Péret succeeds Malvy as Minister.


assay; make it; hit; nail down; seek; try; bring home the bacon; clear; run; nail; negociate; work; arrive; go far; get in; luck out; hit the jackpot; essay; win; pull off; bring off; reach; carry off; pass; deliver the goods; attain; accomplish; attempt; achieve; come through; peg; act; pan out; manage;


overact; inactivity; activity; discontinue; fail;

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