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superciliousness Meaning in Bengali




superciliousness শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অর্থাৎ দ্রুত ছন্দের গানে যেমন দ্রুত লয়ের ঠেকার প্রয়োজন ঢিমালয়ের গানে তেমনি ঢিমালয়ের ঠেকার প্রয়োজনকে মানতেই হবে; এবং (৬) কথার উপরে ঝোঁক দিয়ে ।

তা হলে শেয়ার বাজারের অধোগতি ২০০৮-এর নভেম্বর নাগাদ একেবারে তলানিতে গিয়ে ঠেকার কথা ।

এরপর অডিশন দিয়ে ঠেকার পর একজন পরিচালক তাকে নিয়ে চলচ্চিত্র নির্মাণে আগ্রহ দেখায় ।

কুআড় (লয়), বোল (তবলা), সম (সঙ্গীত), তালি (তবলা), খালি (তবলা) ঠেকা, উপেজ (ঠেকার প্রকার), কায়দা (তবলা), পাল্টা (বিস্তার), রেলা (তবলা), লগ্গী, লড়ী, তিহাই ।

প্রিমেরা দিবিসিওনে টানা ১১ খেলায় জয় বঞ্চিত থেকে লীগ টেবিলের তলানিতে গিয়ে ঠেকার পর ৭ নভেম্বর সিমেওনে রিভার প্লেতের ম্যানেজারের পদ থেকে ইস্তফা দেন ।

superciliousness's Usage Examples:

In the Old Testament, the "hubris is overweening pride, superciliousness or arrogance, often resulting in fatal retribution or nemesis".

Stephen Fry looks uncannily like Wilde and presents an edgy mixture of superciliousness and vulnerability.

Suffice it to say (for your eye alone) that more insolence, superciliousness, ignorance, and pretentiousness were never combined in one man.

Government' (Westerton, 1853) he detected and condemned the growing superciliousness of the English in India towards the Indians; 'The younger race of Europeans.

He inspires Pandora with ambition, vanity, and superciliousness – so much so that she obtains his sceptre and tosses it to Juno when.

purposely tangled skein, that the numerous enemies whom his arrogance and superciliousness had raised up against him, resolved to destroy him.

) If it weren't for an asinine superciliousness radiating from her, Miss Shepherd would actually be pitiable, rather.

one who met him for the first time expected him to have the airs and superciliousness of a spoiled boy.

neglected to cite his sources; this was considered an evidence of his superciliousness, since it made it difficult, if not absolutely impossible, for scholars.

" He writes that it "knocked the intellectual superciliousness out of me.

It's sad, yet hardly a surprise, that such behavior could be taken as superciliousness.

complicated sentences, his cynical views of government, and his snobbery and superciliousness.

correspondence with a restorer described being treated with "offensive superciliousness" by the National Gallery.

that more insolence, superciliousness, ignorance, and pretentiousness were never combined in one man.

and disliked his presence; Americans were offended by his "natural superciliousness" and "utter contempt for the whole pyramid of values, attitudes, and.

criticized the British government, and were uncomfortable with "the superciliousness, debauchery, and class structure of British society.

moral challenge" but disliked its exaggerations and the author's "superciliousness.

thought and unpleasing in style, full of false modesty and genuine superciliousness, full of real ignorance and false affectation of learning".

concern for those who were struggling in Asia, as she feared that superciliousness had replaced human compassion in the minds of many Americans.


arrogance; lordliness; haughtiness; high-handedness; hauteur; disdainfulness; condescension;

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