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supplied Meaning in Bengali

 সরবরাহকৃত, যোগান দেওয়া, সরবরাহ করা হলো,


আঁজাম, সরবরাহকৃত বস্তু, প্রতিবিধান, অনুপূরণ, জোগান, সরবরাহ,


প্রতিবিধান করা, অনুপূরণ করা, জোগান, সরবরাহ করা,

supplied শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

[বাংলায়: মেলামচি জল সরবরাহ প্রকল্প] হল একটা পানীয় জল সরবরাহ করার প্রকল্প যেখান থেকে কাঠমান্ডু উপত্যকায় প্রতিদিন ১৭ কোটি লিটার জল সরবরাহ করা হয়ে থকে ।

ইউটিলিটিগুলি একটি বৈদ্যুতিক মিটার ব্যবহার করে শক্তি পরিমাপ করে, যা গ্রাহকের কাছে সরবরাহকৃত মোট বৈদ্যুতিক শক্তির হিসাব রাখে ।

বিভব এর সংমিশ্রণে সরবরাহকৃত যা একটি বৈদ্যুতিক সার্কিট দ্বারা সরবরাহ করা হয় (উদাহরণস্বরুপঃ বৈদ্যুতিক বিদ্যুৎ তারমাধ্যমে সরবরাহকৃত) ।

৩৮৬ টি বিমান ক্রেতাদের কাছে সরবরাহ করার পর ১৯৮৯ সালে এর উৎপাদন বন্ধ করে দেওয়া হয় ।

এই ৩৮৬ টি সরবরাহকৃত বিমানের মধ্যে ষাটটি বিমান আকাশে জ্বালানী ।

তাপমাত্রা ও চাপে গ্যাসের প্রসারণের মাধ্যমে ইঞ্জিনের ঘূর্ণনশীল অংশগুলোতে শক্তি সরবরাহ করা হয়, যেমন পিস্টন অথবা টার্বাইনের পাখায় এবং এদের সরণ ঘটিয়ে যান্ত্রিক ।

supplied's Usage Examples:

Surface-supplied diving is diving using equipment supplied with breathing gas using a diver's umbilical from the surface, either from the shore or from.

Surface supplied diving skills are the skills and procedures required for the safe operation and use of surface-supplied diving equipment.

software are games and simple editing tools supplied with Microsoft Windows, or software development toolchains supplied with many Linux distributions.

equilibrium occurs at the point at which quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal.

by electric generators, but can also be supplied by sources such as electric batteries.

It is usually supplied to businesses and homes (as domestic mains.

By the late 1920s, the Broadway Mob supplied New York speakeasies with some of the highest quality whiskey including.

the gas supply, and exhaled gas is recycled for further use, and Surface supplied diving equipment, where the gas supply is provided from the surface through.

embryo directly are said to be matrotrophic; those in which the embryo is supplied by yolk are said to be lecithotrophic.

Aqueduct water supplied public baths, latrines, fountains, and private households; it also supported.

where the quantity demanded (at the current price) will equal the quantity supplied (at the current price), resulting in an economic equilibrium for price.

when it provides advantages, usually of mobility and range, over surface supplied diving systems, and is allowed by the relevant code of practice.

During World War 2 the Māori Battalion were supplied especially with karengo harvested in New Zealand which they chewed raw.

is a physical property of matter, defined as the amount of heat to be supplied to a given mass of a material to produce a unit change in its temperature.

of the hands, which are supplied by the radial nerve.

The anterior compartment contains the flexors, and is mainly supplied by the median nerve.

From the diver's point of view, air supplied by a buddy or rescue diver is fully redundant, as it is unaffected by the.

baggage cars of the Florida Special and the Chicago Limited trains in the US supplied electric lighting to all the cars of the train by wiring them, to introduce.

1860s, the company supplied a cam operated, drop valve compound engine operating at 100psi to the India Mill, Darwen.

Other mills supplied by Yates and Thom.

is using scuba or surface supplied equipment.

Scuba divers control their own descent and ascent rate, while surface supplied divers may control their own.


arm; slat; tool; capitalise; provide; water; edge; transistorize; offer; bottom; furnish; tube; fund; fit; headquarter; leverage; computerize; top out; skimp; coal; rafter; bewhisker; glut; purvey; top; outfit; constitutionalize; railroad; reflectorize; give; fire; index; fit out; wive; stint; bush; fret; heat; interleave; ramp; costume; innervate; signalize; cleat; patch; air-condition; flood; theme; render; subtitle; hat; glass; ticket; buy in; rail; crenellate; provision; shelter; charge; transistorise; equip; upholster; pour; canalize; alphabetize; stock up; partner; articulate; caption; canalise; curtain; signalise; toggle; machicolate; fuel; computerise; seat; headline; capitalize; step; border; victual; glaze; uniform; feed; terrace; berth; sanitate; copper-bottom; afford; cloy; grate; air-cool; gate; yield; reflectorise; stock; extend; hobnail; whisker; causeway; key; canal; calk; date; surfeit; crenelate; crenel; oversupply; kern; tap; match; wharf; scant; joint; corbel; hydrate; pump; dado; brattice; rim; retrofit; terrasse; cornice; bed;


idle; derestrict; sufficient; take; kern;

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