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supreme authority Meaning in Bengali


সর্বময় কর্তা,

supreme authority শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

একনায়ক রাষ্ট্রের সর্বময় কর্তা এবং চরম ক্ষমতার উৎস, ক্ষমতা প্রয়োগে কেউ তাকে বাধা দিতে পারে না ।

ভূখন্ড এবং আমার বীরত্বের পরস্কার তাদের মহিমময় আল্লাহর দান করা ভূখন্ডের সর্বময় কর্তা, আমি সুলতান সুলাইমান খান, সুলতান সেলিম খানের পুত্র, সুলতান বায়েজিদ ।

উল্লেখ্য, সুভাষচন্দ্রই ছিলেন এই বাহিনী ও এই সরকারের সর্বময় কর্তা

সম্পত্তি নষ্টকারী উড়ুউড়ু করা পালাইপালাই ভাব উড়ে এসে জুড়ে বসা হঠাৎ এসে সর্বময় কর্তা; অনধিকারীর অধিকার উড়ো কথা/খবর গুজব; ভিত্তিহীন খবর উড়োখই নিজের কাজে ।

supreme authority's Usage Examples:

Superiors are given sometimes supreme authority over others under their command.

and which is expressly or tacitly recognized as sui iuris by the supreme authority of the Church" (CCEO.

A popular quote on supreme authority is Śruti can be found in Manusmriti (Adhyaya 1, Mantra 132) that Dharma.

exercises supreme authority in ecclesiastic matters by virtue of his autonomous legitimacy".

constitution(Grondwet) permanently established the Volkraad as the supreme authority of the nation.

influence in society as it believed that the state should have the supreme authority over the nation.

Mason, the resolutions rejected the British Parliament's claim of supreme authority over the American colonies.

constitution names the assembly as one of the country's organs of supreme authority.

addition it was an immediate supervisor of military tribunals and the supreme authority of military appeals.

Although the All-Russian Congress of Soviets had supreme authority, in periods between its sessions its powers were passed to VTsIK.

Philip II, and the northern States General replaced Philip II as the supreme authority of the Dutch Republic in 1581.

a hierarchy of their own and are recognized as autonomous by the supreme authority of the Church.

the 14th-, 15th- and 16th-century Catholic Church which held that supreme authority in the Church resided with an Ecumenical council, apart from, or even.

It exists alongside 18 other magistrates' courts and has supreme authority, handling most major cases.

variation of the governmental form of monarchy in which the monarch holds supreme authority and where that authority is not restricted by any written laws, legislature.

Forsvarsloven) designates in article 9 the minister of defence as the supreme authority in Defence (Danish: højeste ansvarlige myndighed for forsvaret).

It was dissolved upon the assumption of supreme authority by the Kuban Rada in 1917 and the independence of the Kuban People's.

held very little power and authority, with the Emperor acting as the supreme authority.

bishop announce to his clergy the laws and regulations passed by the supreme authority of the Church, nor can it be said that this is his duty, though for.


dominance; control; carte blanche; command; imperium; potency; power of appointment; authorisation; say-so; sovereignty; lordship; authorization; muscle;


fat person; introvert; good guy; acquaintance; male;

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