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surliness Meaning in Bengali

surliness's Usage Examples:

attitude changed completely, but I wanted him to keep some of that paranoid surliness in the script.

words of the English poet John Milton, 'prepare and mollify the Spartan surliness with his smooth songs and odes, the better to plant among them law and.

[characters'] monologues and dialogues while disclosing fine shades of surliness".

disposition that falls between obsequiousness or flattery on the one hand and surliness or quarrelsomeness on the other, he says that this state: has no name.

difficulty following the rules and was eventually expelled for "nonspecific surliness.

was "likable as usual", but found the character Bernice's surliness to be abnormal and painful to watch.

was described by Deming as "manag[ing] to actually build on Costello's surliness, though their rendition had a purposefully woozy quality that suggested.

supportive to him, but her efforts to help are often met by embarrassment and surliness from Simon.

However unlike Alok this is due to teenage apathy and general surliness rather than a desire to pursue a high flying business career.

ended after Clinton agreed to the seven-year budget plan due to public surliness about the shutdown, and the prospect that a continuing resolution might.

Vanyel responds with his usual surliness, but Tylendel's warmth and caring break down his defenses.

Despite the rider's surliness, Jane helps him get back onto his horse.

Yet it is her surliness, as well as her intransigent determination to make Thanksgiving work,.

Leeuwarden), becomes a giant street party (Frisians, who have a reputation for surliness, are said to thaw when it freezes).

daughter of James V, found herself unable to govern Scotland faced with the surliness of the aristocracy and the intransigence of the population, who favored.

reputation for "accidents, illnesses, doping allegations, lawsuits, suspicion, surliness and suspensions".

He was notorious for his public surliness and judgmental attitude towards others.

relaxes, and when he talks it's with a brooding vigilance bordering on surliness.

Ellie is initially annoyed by Joel's surliness, but they develop a bond.


temper; pettishness; querulousness; peevishness; biliousness; ill nature; irritability; snappishness;


good health; patience; dullness; good humor; good nature;

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