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surveillances Meaning in Bengali

পুলিশ কোনো ব্যক্তি বা গ্রুপ (সাধারণত বন্ধ পর্যবেক্ষণ


অতন্দ্র তত্বাবধান,

surveillances's Usage Examples:

initiation, operation, continuation or expansion of FISA searches or surveillances.

people corresponding to a certain profile, or data obtained through surveillances; Crime data consist of traces that result from criminal activities:.

She operated out of Guam for more than two months, and conducted surveillances of the Carolines, Marianas, Bonin, and Volcano Islands before reaching.

The security system is made of 202 surveillances cameras, 4 massive gatehouse and 8.

drawn from Keith, that FISA as amended is constitutional because the surveillances it authorizes are reasonable.

Laboratory support Waste handling Shutdown and operational facility surveillances.

The information obtained from these surveillances was also passed it to ETA's members Francisco Javier García Gaztelu.

would have eliminated Texas investigators' abilities to perform routine surveillances.

quarter of 2017 the Commission conducted a total of 600 anti-piracy surveillances, carried out 327 anti-piracy operations, arrested 711 suspects and seized.

authors suggest enhancing effectiveness by the institution of national surveillances bodies that should report unjustified denial of access to the Committee.

Islamist extremists was very small and in spite of having carried out some surveillances, they were unable to stop the bombings.

Jerome, and surveillances and documents about Scotland Yard and the Vichy Government of France.

Applicants must detail the total number of electronic surveillances that have been or are being conducted under the authority of the order.

Congress found that the FBI had "installed over 7,000 national security surveillances," including many on American citizens, from 1940 to 1960.

surveillances's Meaning':

close observation of a person or group (usually by the police

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