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sutured Meaning in Bengali

একটি সেলাই সাথে যোগ

sutured's Usage Examples:

operation in which the stomach is sutured to the abdominal wall or the diaphragm.

Gastropexys in which the stomach is sutured to the diaphragm are sometimes.

Omentopexy is a surgical procedure whereby the greater omentum is sutured to a nearby organ.

fragment formed on a tectonic plate (or broken off from it) and accreted or "sutured" to crust lying on another plate.

the subduction zone is destroyed, mountains produced, and two continents sutured together.

If the mucosa is injured, it is sutured horizontally using interrupted vicryl or silk sutures.

shares other diagnostic features of camuropiscids, such as cheekplates sutured to the cranium.

from a donor cornea is placed over the de-epithelialized host cornea and sutured into a prepared groove on the host cornea.

arthrodires in that the head shield and the trunk shield are fused or "firmly sutured" together in an immobile, helmet-like unit.

Small microcontinents and oceanic islands collided with and sutured onto the ever-growing Laurentia, and together formed the stable Precambrian.

episiotomy), is performed under local anesthetic (pudendal anesthesia), and is sutured after delivery.

Generally, one of an animal's eyes is sutured shut during a period of high cortical plasticity (4–5 weeks-old in mice.

placed in the tooth socket, it is covered with a barrier membrane, and sutured closed.

osteoderms Cranial table as wide as ventral portion of skull Palpebrals sutured to each other and the frontal, excluding it from the orbital margin External.

in the meat are made by small cuts, into which oysters are stuffed and sutured with toothpicks or thread.

The Trans-Hudson orogen sutured together the Hearne-Rae, Superior, and Wyoming cratons to form the cratonic.

defining granoblastic texture include: grains visible to the unaided eye, sutured boundaries and approximately equidimensional grains.

still healthy, it may occasionally be returned to a normal position and sutured in place.

The Lhasa terrane is a terrane, or fragment of crustal material, sutured to the Eurasian Plate during the Cretaceous that forms present-day southern Tibet.

sutured's Meaning':

join with a suture


frontal suture; sutura; parietomastoid suture; sutura coronalis; sutura sagittalis; coronal suture; joint; sutura frontalis; occipitomastoid suture; sutura lamboidea; fibrous joint; sutura internasalis; sutura intermaxillaris; intermaxillary suture; articulatio; sagittal suture; internasal suture; lamboid suture; articulation; interparietal suture;


stay in place; disarrange; fill; disjoin;

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