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swagger stick Meaning in Bengali


ঝকঝকে লাঠি,

swagger stick's Usage Examples:

A swagger stick is a short stick or riding crop usually carried by a uniformed person as a symbol of authority.

A swagger stick is shorter than a staff.

The baton is distinguished from the swagger stick in being thicker and effectively without any practical function.

In the military, this became stylised as the swagger stick — useless as a support and just used for gesturing and prodding.

Walker, who assumes the demeanour of a hard-nosed NCO, complete with swagger stick, and proceeds to tell the now-Privates Wilson and Jones that they can.

every detail for summer shows" and meant to be complemented with a swagger stick and canary string gloves.

Another stick carried by soldiers is the drill cane, regimental stick or swagger stick.

beat” in uniform Bermuda shorts, knee high black socks and carrying a swagger stick.

the slightest hesitation to show the prescribed courtesies earns a swagger stick across the face.

A Sam Browne belt in black is worn over the top and a swagger stick is carried underneath the arm.

It was used as a swagger stick or thrown weapon.

publicly carried a swagger stick that was carved from wood collected from the tree at the center of the incident.

The swagger stick was ceremoniously passed.

took part, casually beating the prisoners with has swagger stick before borrowing a bayonet to lunge at one of the trussed-up men.

wearing an aviator's helmet and goggles and a scarf while carrying a swagger stick (like a stereotypical British Army officer of World War I and II).

The very sight of Nathan, with his gold-tipped swagger stick, was an encouragement to his men.

traditionally carry a baton or affect a similar substitute (such as a swagger stick or cane).




ride; pedal; travel; piggyback; taxi;

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