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swear out Meaning in Bengali


আউট শপথ,

swear out's Usage Examples:

"Provost Marshal" if they did not resign from their corporate office and swear out a new oath to the "dejure republic"; this sparked a flurry of coverage.

", had one of his police officers swear out a complaint on which Sinclair was arrested.

Take the swear out of the joke, she said.

The next day, Bonney and Brewer swear out affidavits and warrants are issued by Justice of the Peace John Wilson.

death of the monarch requiring all civil servants to be re-appointed and swear out oaths to the new king or queen.

crime melodrama at once so tacky and so brutal that one feels tempted to swear out a warrant for the arrest of the filmmakers.

murdered some innocent Mexican mustang catchers, and bribed people to swear out affidavits.

Back in town, the distraught cattlemen prepare to swear out a warrant for Jimmy's arrest.

jury of sorts elected from the freemen, who would hear complaints and swear out indictments for credible accusations.

He went to a magistrate's office to swear out a warrant for Malcolm's arrest.

The health care provider must swear out a statement affirming that they treated this patient and attesting that.

in addition to his other activities, called upon to make reports and swear out affidavits for legal actions against Boulton ' Watt's competitors.

testimony, the issue is what political or military influences caused him to swear out the charge sheets in 2011 after Attorney General Eric Holder abandoned.

Court ruled that Troy's practice of ordering female welfare recipients to swear out non-support complaints against their husbands or fathers of their children.

that he would testify he saw the Wilsons kill her daughter if she would swear out a warrant for their arrest.

09/02 Women of the Burke Brothers Musical Company swear out a warrant for their boss as he refuses to pay for Luna Park performances.

Covey, her mother and brothers went to Pircairn to a judge to swear out a warrant for arrest of the two men who had threatened her the night before.


deliver; subpoena; rinse; wash; process; serve;


take away; dirty; handwash; machine wash; dry;

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