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swineherds Meaning in Bengali

একটি herder বা সোয়াইন



swineherds's Usage Examples:

kingship of Cashel is told through several visions experienced by two swineherds, Duirdriu and Cuirirán.

Russian literary language, considering local dialects to be a "speech of swineherds and shepherds".

swineherd who quarrels with that of the king of the Connacht síde; the swineherds are later swallowed and reborn as the magical bulls Donn Cuailnge and.

nut, for Anthony the Great or Anthony of Padua, both patron saints of swineherds.

Originally, it denoted swineherds in the service of a monastery who were also tasked with castrating of.

When one night the two swineherds stayed at Clais Duirdrenn, north of Cashel, they experienced a prophetic.

Anthony became the patron saint of swineherds, due to the reported relationship a pig had with him in keeping him attuned.

Before the Mongol invasion it was inhabited by swineherds of the Pannonhalma Abbey.

Morgon, the Prince of Hed, a small, simple island populated by farmers and swineherds.

Some swineherds see the giant Brân wading the sea and report this to Matholwch, who retreats.

During the Árpád era it was one of the lands of the free royal swineherds.

– Ghiță, the innkeeper Geo Barton [ro] – Lică Sămădăul, chief of the swineherds Ioana Bulcă (as Ioana Bulcă-Diaconescu) – Ana, Ghiță's wife Colea Răutu.

whereabouts of large quantities of this material from the conversation of two swineherds.

and especially by Bloy's 1905 Belluaires et porchers ("Gladiators and swineherds").

swineherds's Meaning':

a herder or swine

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