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syenites Meaning in Bengali


ধূসরবর্ণ স্ফটিকাশিলাবিশেষ,

syenites's Usage Examples:

Some syenites contain larger proportions of mafic components and smaller amounts of felsic.

Granitoids range from plagioclase-rich tonalites to alkali-rich syenites and from quartz-poor monzonites to quartz-rich quartzolites.

Nepheline syenites are silica-undersaturated and some are peralkaline (terms discussed in.

cyclosilicate mineral, which forms in alkaline igneous rocks, such as nepheline syenites.

traversing granitic bodies; they occur also, though less frequently, in syenites, diorites, quartz-diabases and gabbros.

analcite, and the rock has a spotted character recalling that of the leucite-syenites.

The mineral occurs within cavities in nepheline syenites, carbonatites, in hydrothermal veins and various mafic rocks.

It occurs in nepheline syenites and pegmatites in association with aegirine, nepheline, microcline, arfvedsonite.

volcanic rocks; in nodules of peridotite and gabbro in alkalic basalts; in syenites, monzonites and carbonatite tuffs.

passing, by diminution in the amount of its quartz, into quartz-syenites and syenites.

heulandite in veins and cavities of basaltic rocks, sometimes in granites, syenites, or gneisses.

volcanic obsidians, rhyolites, trachytes and phonolites and plutonic quartz syenites where it is associated with amphiboles.

This mineral commonly occurs in alkalic igneous rocks, nepheline syenites, carbonatites and pegmatites.

It also occurs less commonly in syenites.

The mount raised during the Yanshanian movement period; Yanshanian syenites are usually found in the main part of it.

Occurrence within zoned bodies, enveloped by amphibole bearing syenites and quartz-syenites rocks, Broken and/or bent twin lamellae in plagioclase (albite).

nepheline-dolerites; it bears the same relation to them as the nepheline syenites have to the phonolites.

It is also reported from alkalic intrusive syenites as in Mont Saint-Hilaire, Canada.

made, include gabbros, diorites, amphibolites, diabases, and pyroxene-syenites.

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