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synchronic Meaning in Bengali

synchronic's Usage Examples:

A synchronic approach (from Greek συν- "together" and χρόνος "time") considers a language.

linguistics, a synchronic analysis is one that views linguistic phenomena only at a given time, usually the present, but a synchronic analysis of a historical.

is found in both synchronic and diachronic analyses of languages.

Lenition can happen both synchronically (within a language at a particular point in time) and diachronically.

It was both synchronic and sympatric with another allodaposuchid species, Agaresuchus fontisensis.

However, it is correct to call it epenthesis when viewed synchronically since the modern basic form of the verb is a and so the psycholinguistic.

It is also possible for chain shifts to occur synchronically, within the phonology of a language as it exists at a single point in.

It deals with synchronic phonology as well as phonetics.

linguistics due to Ferdinand de Saussure's insistence on the importance of synchronic analysis.

Szemerényi's law (or Szemerényi's lengthening) is both a sound change and a synchronic phonological rule that operated during an early stage of the Proto-Indo-European.

usage-based model of language accounts for language acquisition and processing, synchronic and diachronic patterns, and both low-level and high-level structure in.

Assimilation can be synchronic, an active process in a language at a given point in time, or diachronic.

In addition, some signs feature synchronic digraphia, the use of multiple writing systems for a single language.

Usually, however, "vowel harmony" refers specifically to a synchronic process operating in a particular language, normally requiring all vowels.

uniform historical changes so forms that appear to be irregular from a synchronic (contemporary) point of view may be seen as following more regular patterns.

As with other forms of lenition, debuccalization may be synchronic or diachronic (i.

European Reformed Scholasticism discovered the John Duns Scoto's idea of synchronic contingency, which was able to remove contradictions between necessity.


synchronous; synchronal;


disagree; diachronic; asynchronous;

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