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syncytia Meaning in Bengali

বিভিন্ন নিউক্লিয়াস ধারণকারী সাইটোপ্লাজমে একটি ভর এবং একটি ঝিল্লি ঘিরা কিন্তু কোন অভ্যন্তরীণ সেল সীমানা (পেশী fibers হিসেবে

syncytia's Usage Examples:

A syncytium or symplasm (/sɪnˈsɪʃiəm/; plural syncytia; from Greek: σύν syn "together" and κύτος kytos "box, i.

depending on the mechanism by which they are formed, can be divided into "syncytia" (formed by cell fusion) or "coenocytes" (formed by nuclear division not.

may be formed and possess either one enormous nucleus or several nuclei (syncytia).

include rounding of the infected cell, fusion with adjacent cells to form syncytia, and the appearance of nuclear or cytoplasmic inclusion bodies.

Instead of choanocytes, they have further syncytia, known as choanosyncytia, which form bell-shaped chambers where water enters.

longer divide, they retain their ability to form syncytia.

Multinucleated giant cells (small syncytia) are found in the placental bed and myometrium as.

It is fusogenic and syncytia-forming.

The syncytia are dioecious (either male or female), but young syncytia can fuse to produce both male and female.

her lab at UNC Chapel Hill is broadly interested in understanding why syncytia arise in so many contexts in the tree of life.

(Fleming 1995; Fleming, 1999) Aggregates of nuclei from monolayer syncytia become enveloped in mitochondrial membranes, forming structures (mitonucleons).

These lack cell walls; the syncytia are created by cell fusion.

negative-sense, single-stranded RNA virus, and its name is derived from the large syncytia that form when infected cells fuse together.

"Electrical properties of anisotropic nerve-muscle syncytia-I.

Skeletal muscle fibers help support and move the body and are called syncytia – multinucleated structures formed by fusion of individual myoblasts during.

They have more recently been classified as compartmentalized syncytia – single cells with multiple nuclei that have been subdivided by internal.

the fusion of the host and viral cellular membranes, eventually forming syncytia.

which often contain more than one huge, misshapen, pleomorphic nucleus ("syncytia"), which result from cell fusion.

proteins: P10 which promotes syncytia formation, P17, and σC involved in cell attachment.

Baboon orthoreovirus The syncytia inducing capabilities of this.

HYAL2 mRNA can be detected in the BNCs and multinucleated syncytia of sheep placentomes during pregnancy, but not in the trophectoderm cells.

function-associated molecule 1 in human immunodeficiency virus-mediated syncytia formation".

syncytia's Meaning':

a mass of cytoplasm containing several nuclei and enclosed in a membrane but no internal cell boundaries (as in muscle fibers

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