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synoecism Meaning in Bengali



synoecism's Usage Examples:

cities by synoecism, including Side, next to Theangela, Medmasa, Uranium, Pedasa and Telmissus.

Strabo, however, points out that this synoecism would have.

It, along with Myndus, avoided synoecism into Halicarnassus when Mausolus united other ancient cities into Halicarnassus.

The name of the festival comes from the word synoecism (or synoikismos, Greek: συνоικισμός), which means the merging of smaller.

for the citizen at Rome to the first known instance resulting from the synoecism of Romans and Sabines presented in the legends of the Roman Kingdom.

similar fashion there was also considerable overlap between the concepts of synoecism and sympoliteia.

Already in Classical times, before their synoecism and creation of the single Rhodian state in 408 BC, the three city-states.

Many of these communities became towns through synoecism with other communities, some in use today.

ancient city-state, the municipium was created by an official act of synoecism, or founding.

It was merged by synoecism into Metropolis.

In mythology, King Pittheus transferred the town's population (synoecism) to Troezen.

to have survived at least until the early Roman period following its synoecism with Alexandreia Troas (the city had been renamed from Antigoneia Troas.

by some historians as Singus was one of the cities that had undergone synoecism with Olynthus in the revolt that took place in the year 432 BCE, and that.

The city of Elis underwent synoecism—as Strabo notes—in 471 BC.

It could have been an independent polis before the refoundation by synoecism of the city of Cos, because of a revolt in the year 366 BCE.

opposite of synoecism Dioecism, the botanical condition of being dioecious, dioecy Dioecism, a type of biological sex allocation Synoecism (disambiguation).

At the end of the 4th century BCE, it was united (synoecism) with the neighboring cities of Phylace and Phthiotic Thebes to form a.

It is probable that Idrias was one of the towns that joined in synoecism to found Stratonicea and remained one of its districts.

ascribes to Theseus, whom it also regards as the author of the union (synoecism) of Attica around Athens as a political centre, the division of the Attic.

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