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tabun Meaning in Bengali

প্রথম পরিচিত নার্ভ এজেন্ট 1936 সালে জার্মান রসায়নবিদ দ্বারা সংশ্লেষিত; একটি অত্যন্ত বিষাক্ত দাহ্য তরল যে জৈব দ্রাবক মধ্যে দ্রবণীয় এবং রাসায়নিক যুদ্ধবিগ্রহ একটি নার্ভ গ্যাস হিসাবে ব্যবহার করা হয়

tabun's Usage Examples:

A tabun oven, or simply tabun (also transliterated taboon, from the Arabic: طابون‎), is a clay oven, shaped like a truncated cone, with an opening at.

are the G agents, sarin (GB), soman (GD), tabun (GA), and the V agents such as VX.

The original agent, tabun, was discovered in Germany in 1936 in the.

Taboon bread (Arabic: خبز طابون‎, romanized: khubz tabun) is Levantine flatbread baked in a taboon or tannur 'tandoor' clay oven, similar to the various.

It's the fluorinated analog of tabun, i.

of the so-called G-series nerve agents to be discovered along with GA (tabun), GB (sarin), and GF (cyclosarin).

It's the isopropyl analog of tabun.

The average purity of its tabun was 50–60%; production of it was abandoned in 1986 in favor of concentrating.

best known for his accidental discovery of nerve agents such as sarin and tabun, and for this he is sometimes called the "father of the nerve agents".

tabun's Meaning':

the first known nerve agent synthesized by German chemists in 1936; a highly toxic combustible liquid that is soluble in organic solvents and is used as a nerve gas in chemical warfare

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