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tardigrades Meaning in Bengali

বিভাগ Tardigrada একজন বাম বন্ধনী

tardigrades's Usage Examples:

paraphyletic taxon Lobopodia, which is sometimes expanded to include tardigrades and onychophorans as well.

Onychophora, the arthropods and the velvet worms) is monophyletic, and tardigrades lie outside this grouping.

The list of tardigrades of South Africa is a list of species that form a part of the phylum Tardigrada of the fauna of South Africa.

Eutardigrada are a class of tardigrades (Tardigrada) without lateral appendices.

The class Heterotardigrada includes tardigrades (water bears) that have cephalic appendages and legs with four separate but similar digits or claws on.

Some examples of protostomes are arthropods, molluscs, and tardigrades.

feed on microbes, algae, and detritus: nematodes, protozoa, rotifers, tardigrades, and occasionally, mites and springtails.

The Hypsibiidae are a family of water bears or moss piglets, tardigrades in the class Eutardigrada.

A few attack nematodes, mites, and tardigrades, and some (particularly species of the genus Conidiobolus) are free-living.

Arthrotardigrada are an order of tardigrades, first described by Marcus in 1927.

arthropods and of which the living animals onychophorans (velvet worms) and tardigrades may also be members.

The mouthparts of tardigrades, diptera and aphids are also called stylets.

Echiniscoidea are an order of tardigrades, a phylum of water-dwelling, eight-legged, segmented micro-animals.

Mesotardigrada is one of three classes of tardigrades, consisting of a single species, Thermozodium esakii.

after development, tardigrades demonstrate a remarkable ability to withstand these conditions.

To survive such conditions, tardigrades need time to develop.

The Stygarctidae are a family of tardigrades.

tardigrades's Meaning':

an arthropod of the division Tardigrada

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