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taster Meaning in Bengali

 টেইস্টার, চাকনদার, স্বাদ গ্রহণ করিয়া যে খাদ্যদ্রব্যের গুণাগুণ পরীক্ষা করে,


চাকনদার, টেইস্টার,

taster's Usage Examples:

The coffee taster attempts to measure aspects of the coffee's taste, specifically the body.

Tea tasting is the process in which a trained taster determines the quality of a particular tea.

Modern, professional wine tasters (such as sommeliers or buyers for retailers) use a constantly evolving.

As a boy he was food taster to Bonnie Prince Charlie and was rewarded with a diamond ring which is now.

A food taster is a person who ingests food that was prepared for someone else, to confirm it is safe to eat.

This was designed to address accidental registrations, but domain tasters use the Add Grace Period for illegal purposes.

responsibility: Ale taster or ale conner, to ensure the quality of ale, and to check that true measures are used Carniters or "flesh tasters", to ensure the.

Bartoshuk and colleagues discovered that the taster group could be further divided into medium tasters and supertasters.

different names for this position, which varied from place to place: "ale-tasters," gustatores cervisiae, "ale-founders," and "ale-conners".

bitter or is virtually tasteless, depending on the genetic makeup of the taster.

of wine tasting descriptors allows the taster to qualitatively relate the aromas and flavors that the taster experiences and can be used in assessing.

of the 15 to survive World War II, and her background as Hitler's food taster was not revealed until a newspaper interview on her 95th birthday in December.

Tea tasting is the process in which a trained taster determines the quality of a particular tea.

A one-hitter (also oney, bat, tay, oney bat, or taster) is typically a slender pipe with a screened narrow bowl designed for a single inhalation, or "hit".

"Chocolate-taster forced to give up dream job after piling on two stone".

John Harrison (born 1942) is an American ice cream taster, who worked for ice cream company Dreyer's as its "Official Taste Tester".


sampler; wine taster; taste tester; taste-tester; critic;

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