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tautologous Meaning in Bengali


tautologous's Usage Examples:

below) that the property of tautologous – as yet to be defined – is "inherited": if one begins with a set of tautologous axioms (postulates) and a deduction.

The name is tautologous.

representation is constructed in such a way as to make its properties seem tautologous, it is a fundamental object of the theory.

The name is tautologous: eas is Gaelic for waterfall, and fors or foss is also Norse for waterfall.

The name of the ferry is tautologous, since "Inishmore" derives from the Irish for "big island".

from, and baile "village, usually Bally- in Irish place-names, with the tautologous Old English tun "farm, village" added by Anglo-Saxon settlers who did.

two variants: one is really about weather, but the rule is absurd or tautologous; the other can be about any other topic, makes some sense, often has.

muddy loch, and refers to Loch Moidart in particular (whose name is thus tautologous).

Norse word vík ('bay') (meaning that the modern name Thornwick Bay is tautologous).

knowledge is both necessary and senseless, a conceptual counterpart to the tautologous nature of the concept of time.

However, this reasoning has been criticized as tautologous by some scholars who suggest the better basis is unjust enrichment (see.

It is almost tautologous to say that the subsets of a given set X are the same as (just as good.

significance if, and only if, it expresses something which is either tautologous or empirically verifiable.

was unsupportable, from the start the legislation had maintained this tautologous distinction.

Wittgenstein and Poincaré, claiming that mathematical truths were not only non-tautologous but were synthetic, he later spoke in favor of them in 1918: Everything.

name for the dyke was simply "Finnigord" and Finnigirt dyke is thus tautologous as gord already means "dyke".

administering the lessons effectively, although the causal direction of this tautologous observation is not clear.

Klein as being so unclear as to be tautologous and thus unfalsifiable.

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