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tautonym Meaning in Bengali


বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ,

tautonym শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আরবিতে হায়ার বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ হল বাযা (بذاءة, অশ্লীলতা) বা ফাহাশ (فاحشة, বেহায়াপনা বা লাম্পট্য) ।

অংশার্থকতা ও সমগ্রার্থকতা সমার্থক শব্দ ও বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ Fromkin, Victoria; Robert, Rodman (১৯৯৮) ।

tautonym's Usage Examples:

A tautonym is a scientific name of a species in which both parts of the name have the same spelling, for example, Rattus rattus.

duplication, repetition, and tautonym when it is used in biological taxonomies, such as Bison bison.

The origin of this usage of tautonym is uncertain, but it.

, illegitimate tautonym.

Golfito Bay (a tautonym because it means 'little bay bay') is within the larger Golfo Dulce, and.

Rattus rattus or Bufo bufo), but this form of designation (known as a tautonym) is forbidden for plants and fungi by the International Code of Nomenclature.

The name "Persicaria persicaria" cannot be used because tautonyms – binomial names that use the same word for both the genus and the species.

, invalid tautonym Fagopyrum polygonum Macloskie Fagopyrum sagittatum Gilib.

The boat-billed heron is now placed in Brisson's genus and has the tautonym Cochlearius cochlearius.

repeat the generic name (a designation formed by such repetition is a tautonym).

the two parts of a binomial name to be the same (such a name is called a tautonym), whereas the ICZN, the animal code, does.

Berkeley may have foreseen the necessity to avoid giving the species a tautonym (a situation where both the generic name and specific epithet are identical).

For the species name, he used a different name, as tautonyms (repetition of exactly the same name in the genus and species) are not.

tautonym: a binomial or scientific name in the taxonomy of living things in which.

Germain de Lacépède moved the species to the genus Milvus creating the tautonym.

The name Capreolus capreolus is what is known as a tautonym.

paronym, paronymous, pseudonym, pseudonymous, synonym, synonymous, synonymy, tautonym, tautonymous, tautonymy, troponym, troponymy, xenonym, xenonymy oo- egg.

species name, but the resulting combination (Auriscalpium auriscalpium) is a tautonym and disallowed under the rules for botanical nomenclature (ICBN 2005 rule.

Cheadle, for example, is generally reckoned a tautonym, with the Old English leah, also meaning a wood, glossing the original.

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