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tawny owl Meaning in Bengali


কটা আউল,

tawny owl's Usage Examples:

The tawny owl or brown owl (Strix aluco) is a stocky, medium-sized owl commonly found in woodlands across much of Eurasia.

desert tawny owl (Strix hadorami), formerly known as Hume's owl, is a species of owl.

It is closely related to the more widespread tawny owl and to the.

woodpecker, willow tit, treecreeper, nuthatch, goldcrest, green woodpecker and tawny owl.

been recorded, including three species of woodpecker, chiffchaff and tawny owl.

important for its breeding birds such as greater spotted woodpecker, tawny owl and nuthatch.

Breeding birds include tawny owl, nuthatch and treecreeper.

lynx, weasels, guinea pigs, coatis, horses, sheep, snowy owl, eagle-owl, tawny owl, wildcat, wild boar, gray wolf, zebra finch and goats.

common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), common buzzard (Buteo buteo), tawny owl (Strix aluco), greater spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major), lesser.

species of birds, including yellowhammer, spotted flycatcher, blue tit and tawny owl.

habitat that supports a range of wildlife, particularly birds, including tawny owl, great spotted woodpecker and treecreeper.

The many resident and migratory birds include the tawny owl and the greater spotted woodpecker.

mammals also makes the site a favourite hunting ground for barn owl and tawny owl.

It is sometimes considered a subspecies of the tawny owl, but is separated from that species due to its distinctive call, darker.

compared and studied in areas of sympatry with its close cousin, the tawny owl.

The tawny owl may co-exist with Ural owls today in many parts of the latter’s.

Pipistrelle bats have been recorded, together with birds such as the tawny owl and willow warbler.

They increase evening body mass in response to tawny owl calls.


owl; bird of night; Strix; Strix aluco; bird of Minerva; hooter; genus Strix;


uncolored; colorlessness; white; natural; impartial;

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