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technical words Meaning in Bengali

 পারিভাষিক শব্দ, পরিভাষা,

technical words শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তার নাম পরিভাষা নিষ্কাশন (terminology extraction) ।

আর এই পরিভাষা নিষ্কাশন প্রক্রিয়ায় পাওয়া সহাবস্থানগুলোকে সাধারণত পারিভাষিক শব্দ বা পরিভাষা (ইংরেজিতে ।

১৯৫০-এর দশকে এগহেড পরিভাষাটি জনপ্রিয়তার শীর্ষে পৌঁছে যায় ।

পরিভাষার অর্থ ভূমিকা ।

technical words's Usage Examples:

By the 1990s, 8,000 new Swahili technical words were introduced, but ill-spread throughout the academic system.

Modern technical words come from these latter also.

of words (not in the first volume) ALSO an explication of hard and technical words in all arts and sciences.

which may be cluttered, wordy, indirect, and may include unnecessary technical words or phrases.

In more technical words, this quadratic form fails to be weakly sequentially continuous at.

East e- – (i) Used as a prefix before unabbreviated words, stands for technical words such as electronic or emergency.

legitimate to computer users as the names are usually a combination of technical words such as "HDD", "Disk", "Memory" and action words such as "Scanner".

It can be considered as a centrifuging machine in technical words.

Freudenthal's book on Lincos discusses it with many technical words from linguistic and logical theory, usually without defining them,.

In more technical words, linear operators are morphisms between vector spaces.

that the "signature texts such as the Matanga-Lila" contain over 130 technical words, for which there are no clear Sanskrit etymologies.

term in Newspeak; instead, these words are simply treated as specific technical words for speaking of technical fields.

(including 12,000 encyclopaedic entries and 52,000 scientific and technical words).

Haplo- 'single' is found is a few technical words such as haploid.

do not take into account the large proportion of archaic or highly technical words that are very rarely used.

In Pakistan, Punjabi loans technical words from Persian and Arabic languages, just like Urdu does.

well-defined, unambiguous technical words rather than normal words.

It is supplied with several additional dictionaries of technical words in specific fields.

with a large corpus of Sanskrit words to cope with the demands of new technical words whenever needed.

bisemutium (due to Georgius Agricola, who Latinized many German mining and technical words) is from the German Wismuth, perhaps from weiße Masse, "white mass".




inexperienced; generalist;

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