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tediousness Meaning in Bengali

tediousness's Usage Examples:

that the band was dissatisfied with their management and tired of the tediousness of the studios so they recorded the album independently in a small studio.

of the archaic API provided by BLAS and LAPACK, removing much of the tediousness.

'had thoroughly assimilated the art of composing a poem of surpassing tediousness and consisting of the most abject flattery of her royal patron' and did.

partly due to lack of availability of Alcian and partly due to length and tediousness of the procedure, alternative methods had to be developed e.

The Chicago system has been criticized for its tediousness and inconvenience, as blue bags cost more to the homeowner than grocery.

problems reviewers had with the game was its repetitiveness and the tediousness of some parts.

as though they've just wheeled out another ode to their own majestic tediousness.

indictment of the play, stating: "The disaster of the play, however—its tediousness, its pretentiousness, its galling sophistication, its gratuitous and.

bad grammar, bad English, bad taste and unutterable tediousness"; That salaries should be raised substantially to attract decent teachers;.

any suggestion that the difficulties of the text: its repetitiveness, tediousness and odiousness, are representative of the author's style.

of Trouser Press felt the song "suffer[s] from extreme monochromatic tediousness".

Anything, to get him away from this tediousness.

Kalfus reviewed the book for The New York Times, and wrote that its "tediousness is as profound as the themes it seeks to engage.

college, that I can plead an absolute right to inflict my 'twice-told' tediousness upon you; but I have often regretted that we were not better known.

He remarked in 1730 on the 'tediousness and delays' of civil suits, 'the exorbitant fees to counsel, whereto.

"Life in a submarine—in all its graphic tediousness".

with a Soul of a Man  – For imaginatively capturing the hard labour and tediousness of the Pitthu through the sound design achieved through an appropriate.

₹ 10,000/- Citation: For imaginatively capturing the hard labour and tediousness of the Pitthu through the sound design achieved through an appropriate.

Compute! criticized the game's "unexpected tediousness of play".


tiresomeness; dullness; tedium; drag;


satisfaction; dissuade; stay in place; exhale; push;

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