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tegmina Meaning in Bengali



tegmina's Usage Examples:

A tegmen (plural: tegmina) designates the modified leathery front wing on an insect particularly in the orders Dermaptera (earwigs), Orthoptera (grasshoppers.

Adult hoppers have a strongly sclerotized body with elytra-like tegmina meeting along the median.

extended backward to cover the flight wings, supplanting the function of the tegmina.

flattened laterally and the tegmina are tent-like.

In the Flatoidinae, the body is not laterally compressed and the tegmina are not as tent-like and sometimes.

Roth speculated in 1981 that the arched tegmina found in Phoraspis and Thorax were similar to that of Phlebonotus pallens.

the female raises its tegmina vertically and extends its wings laterally.

This exposes the bright red underside of the tegmina in a "startle" display.

Defining characteristics include "tarsi three-segmented, tegmina retain venation, 8th and 9th abdominal tergite in females are narrowed.

It is brown overall, with the tegmina having a conspicuous lateral pale stripe or margin, and the pronotum (head.

The male has long tegmina (outer forewings) and functioning hindwings, while the female tegmina are small oblong pads separated by more.

Cockroaches of this genus resemble beetles, with hardened tegmina and cross-folded hindwings.

males of which are able to stridulate by rubbing the outer margins of the tegmina against the subcostal and radial veins of the alae.

It has fully developed tegmina and wings.

Rehn's description of Namibian specimens noted the "lappet-like" tegmina (outer forewings), measuring no more than 4.

species is the partly pale hyaline tegmina and wings.

The species of Tosena do not have hyaline parts in the tegmina and wings.

The male of the species has normal, fully developed tegmina and wings, and a tuft of hairs on the back of its middle abdomen.

The tegmina (outer forewings) and inner wings of the male are normal and fully developed, while in the female, the tegmina reach only the base.

Its tegmina are fully developed, and delicate in structure.

The male's tegmina (outer forewings) extend well beyond the abdomen, and are wider than its pronotum.

The female's short tegmina end around the second.

edges of pronotum and outer two-thirds of tegmina yellow.

of forewings (referred to as tegmina) and one pair of hindwings.

In contrast to many other katydids however, the tegmina of Panoploscelis only partly.

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