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tegumen Meaning in Bengali


বীজ অন্তস্ত্বক,

tegumen's Usage Examples:

In males, the ninth abdominal segment is divided into a dorsal 'tegumen' and ventral 'vinculum'.

characterized by the male genitalia with a bridge-like structure connecting the tegumen and the valva, and the uncus almost always is vestigal with two lobes at.

The genitalia have two large serrate lobes on the tegumen, with a circularly serrate zone in between.

ephelus by their larger, H-shaped gnathos (a dorsal flap of the tegumen positioned within the genital ring), with two longer lobes bridged by a.

between uncus and accessory claspers, situated at the anterior margin of the tegumen, there are weakly sclerotized, elongated, spatulate-like lobes, somewhat.

The vinculum is rounded, the tegumen longish with a truncated hind end, and the anellus is a sclerotized plate.

The body disk that is covered with a leathery tegumen containing calcareous plates (in crinoids and ophiuroids the main part.

usually extends beyond the ductus ejaculatorius the weakly sclerotized tegumen In addition, in most cases the adult males of this subfamily have a conspicuous.

variously developed and the valvae thus attach variously far from the tegumen, though often quite closely.

with partly sclerotized hair pencils on the anterior edge of vinculum-tegumen connection, with a convex valva costa, and the phallus without a coecum.

The tegumen is gradually sloped to the tip.

The tegumen is without hooks.

The species name refers to the lateral lobes of tegumen in the male genitalia and is derived from Latin lobus (meaning lobe).

The tegumen is almost square, and at the hind end of the upper side bears two groups.

The vinculum is broad, with a large slender saccus; the tegumen is elongated.

The vinculum is long and triangular; the tegumen is also long (twice as long as wide) and moderately sclerotized (hardened).

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