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teleological Meaning in Bengali




teleological শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

দর্শন মনে করে, বিভিন্ন বিশ্বতত্ত্ব-সংক্রান্ত, তত্ত্ববিদ্যা-সংক্রান্ত ও পরমকারণমূলক যুক্তি দিয়ে ঈশ্বরের অস্তিত্ব প্রমাণ করা যায় না ।

এছাড়া এই শাখায় এর বিকাশের সম্ভাব্য পরমকারণমূলক সমাপ্তির কথা বিবেচনা করা হয়, যেমন মানবীয় ইতিহাসের পদ্ধতিতে কোন নকশা ।

পরম দিগন্তের সংজ্ঞাকে অনেক ক্ষেত্রে বলা হয় পরমকারণমূলক, যার অর্থ মহাবিশ্বের সমগ্র বিবর্তন (এমনকি ভবিষ্যৎ পর্যন্ত) না জেনে এর ।

teleological's Usage Examples:

Though ancient atomists rejected the notion of natural teleology, teleological accounts of non-personal or non-human nature were explored and often.

Consequentialism is a class of normative, teleological ethical theories that holds that the consequences of one's conduct are the ultimate basis for any.

The teleological argument (from τέλος, telos, 'end, aim, goal'; also known as physico-theological argument, argument from design, or intelligent design.

Evolutionary biologists often use similar teleological formulations that invoke purpose, but these imply natural selection rather.

Lotze proposed a view called teleological idealism, whose central principle is the principle of teleomechanism.

of teleological purpose, even though natural selection operates without any goal for the future.

All the same, biologists often use teleological language.

The teleological belief went on to include cultural evolution and social evolution.

epistemology of Al-Ghazzali, and is often expressed, to some extent, in teleological statements scattered throughout his works.

Thomas Aquinas, in order to fit biblical scripture and establish a Judeo-Christian teleological law.

Graham translation of Clausewitz's On War identifies three main teleological traditions in the philosophy of war: the cataclysmic, the eschatological.

title his book after theologian William Paley's famous statement of the teleological argument, the watchmaker analogy, and noted that Hume's critique of the.

principle a teleological character which has been controversial historically.

Mandelstam, the teleological approach.

presentism particularly when the historical depiction in question is teleological or triumphalist.

one might go about analyzing an argument from analogy, consider the teleological argument and the criticisms of this argument put forward by the philosopher.

The concept has been described as "normative", as well as teleological, as it makes a claim about how nature should be: nature is balanced because.

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