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temperamentally Meaning in Bengali

temperamentally's Usage Examples:

different from its homophone, the samba - musically, rhythmically, temperamentally, in the steps of the dance and in its costume.

hereditary monarchy arises when the heir apparent may be physically or temperamentally unfit to rule.

enough to be held in the arms or lie comfortably on a person's lap and temperamentally predisposed to do so.

He conducted for some years from the mid-1980s, but found himself temperamentally unsuited to it.

claimed Bachynsky was "such a volatile, vociferous orator that he was temperamentally unsuited to be an impartial moderator".

despite his dislike of the job and his lifelong belief that he was temperamentally unsuited to acting.

ophidiophobia, arachnophobia, basophobia) are more temperamentally careless and more likely to end up in potentially fatal accidents and.

doesn't register the despair for he understands "Laforguian boredom" as temperamentally uncongenial to Stevens, mattering to him chiefly as something to overcome.

He was temperamentally a public prosecutor and as a critic he spoke and wrote with total frankness.

Though considered to be temperamentally unsuited to his vocation, he became a strong advocate for better treatment.

within a world of landownership and child-rearing for which she is temperamentally unsuited and a marriage that is short on emotional and sexual warmth.

He was later given a trial at Warwickshire but was considered "temperamentally unsuited to a cricket career" by the county.

arachnophobia, ophidiophobia, basophobia) are more temperamentally careless and more likely to end up in potentially fatal accidents and.

Kumaran Asan was temperamentally a pessimist—a disposition reinforced by his metaphysics—yet all his.

The malady develops temperamentally, he claims, in individuals with an "affective predominance".

Writers at that Web site, and at the temperamentally aligned Front Porch Republic, treasure tight communities and local.

Their means are not available to us today - either temperamentally or technically - but certain lessons may be learned from them relevant.

the Boston Navy Yard on 25 September 1942 described Hubbard as "not temperamentally fitted for independent command".

Storia della antica Liguria e di Genova judged Ottaviano to have been temperamentally unsuited to his times, particularly during the Spanish invasion in.

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