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temperates Meaning in Bengali


নাতিশীতোষ্ণ, অল্পস্বল্প, পরিমিত তাপসম্পন্ন, মিতাশী, মিতপায়ী, পরিমিত, নিয়তাহর, নিয়তাত্মা, আত্মসংযমী, সংযমী, মিতাচারী,

temperates শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

দ্রব্য এমন কি মাংস ছাড়াও ডিম, দুগ্ধজাত খাবারের বিরুদ্ধে তাদেরকে বলা হয় আত্মসংযমী নিরামিষবাদী (Dietary vegans) অথবা কঠোর নিরামিষবাদী ।

তবে ভাঙার কাজ অল্পস্বল্প চলে ।

শীতকালে উত্তরাঞ্চলে নিয়মিত তুষারপাত হলেও দক্ষিণে অল্পস্বল্প বরফ পড়ে ।

temperates's Usage Examples:

The months of January and February are the coldest here, when night temperates can reach the 60s, while it’s more commonly with winter temperatures in.

Winter temperates reach a minimum of around −10 °C, climbing to a maximum of around 20 °C.

In the Denezhkin Kamen reserve, average temperates in January are −20.

dew points (including the Twin Cities of 70 °F (21 °C)) and low–minimum temperates for May 15.

1750); "Corpus juris canonici per regulas naturali ordine digestas, usuque temperates, ex eodem jure et conciliis, patribus atque aliunde desumptas" (Geneva.

climbers around Kyushu travelling to Shiiba due to the consistent subzero temperates and many frozen waterfalls to be found around the region.

coming in at 40–50 °C is cooled in heat exchangers to crystallization temperates of about 26–30 °C, passed through a tempering column consisting of spinning.

3 kya would have been cold based due to cold temperates at the time and so frozen to the bed and therefore not eroding.

more seats than the progressives, who were also still divided between "temperates" and "radicals" and thus lacked a single leadership.

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