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tensely Meaning in Bengali




tensely শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

দীর্ঘ স্বরধ্বনিগুলি টানটানভাবে উচ্চারিত হয়, আর হ্রস্বস্বরগুলি হালকাভাবে উচ্চারিত হয় ।

tensely's Usage Examples:

The Los Angeles Times said the film was "very tensely contrived for its type".

The final games were tensely contested, as Wales, hoping for an England failure at Hampden Park in their.

After twelve tensely fought rounds, Trinidad was controversially declared the winner by a majority.

enthusiastic, particularly of the message: "leaves you no moment when you are not tensely held by the action on the stage.

Differences between the master and Vellert include the paintings' "depiction of tensely gesturing hands, often with palms turned outward and the fingers splayed".

Mut-bisir describes his own soldiers and opposing Canaanite forces as tensely watching one another.

Dubois at Textile High School, and I became in tensely interested in the subject and volunteered and was commended by the chairman.

They battled it out tensely all the way, and the issue was up in the air until the closing minutes.

completing the move, I left the hall, leaving a thousand fans, who were tensely following my game, in a state of bewilderment, which shortly turned to.

ritmico The first movement is the most dynamic and is chiefly dominated by a tensely rhythmic figure achieved by a triplet laid over a duplet.

picture, distributed by Agence France-Presse, of two Syrian rebel soldiers tensely guarding their position as beams of light stream through bullet holes in.

contrast to a historical one, and called it "a robust, a teaming book," "a tensely plotted tale which marches at swinging pace to bear witness to its author's.

Curt and Arthur split up to track the panther while the family tensely awaits their return.

"Grandma and the Girls" – is a tensely macabre story of a domineering grandmother who haunts her family and is.

single point, but faced defeat in the finals against Roman Vlasov in a tensely contested match.

16th Street Northwest, for a long time a de facto dividing line in the tensely racially divided Washington in the decades after the city's 1968 riots.

While Sara and her parents wait tensely by Tessa's bedside, Jeffrey and Lena work the case while at each other's.

shows a boy, with the left strap of his shorts hanging off his shoulder, tensely holding his long, stringy, thin arms by his side.

characterised as a low-key masterpiece by Niklaus Sprüngli because of its tensely elegant, barely adorned façade.

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