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tentatively Meaning in Bengali

 পরীক্ষার্থ, পরীক্ষাচ্ছলে,


পরীক্ষাচ্ছলে, পরীক্ষার্থ,

tentatively শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

দ্বিতীয় সম্ভাব্য কারণ এই যে, যেমন কোন কোন রেওয়ায়েতে বর্ণিত আছে, ইহুদীরা পরীক্ষার্থ মুহাম্মাদ-কে প্রশ্ন করেছিল, "যদি আপনি সত্যিই আল্লাহর নবী হন, তবে বলুন ।

tentatively's Usage Examples:

Adactylotis (tentatively placed here) Aethalura Afriberina (tentatively placed here) Alcis Amblychia Amraica Anacamptodes (tentatively placed here) Anacleora.

The fossae have been tentatively identified as outflow channels, but their origin and evolution remain.

(might belong in Labeonini) Bangana Hamilton, 1822 (tentatively placed here) Lobocheilos (tentatively placed here) Qianlabeo Zhang ' Chen, 2004 Speolabeo.

Ischnognatha Kodiosoma (formerly in Arctiina) Laguerreia (tentatively placed here) Lalanneia (tentatively placed here) Lampruna Lepidojulia Lepidokirbyia Lepidolutzia.

First "tentatively adopted as a guide" in 1960, and revised several times since then, it.

If the African genera tentatively placed herein indeed belong here, the distribution of the Nacophorini.

(including Burgessius, Heterochaetodon and possibly Rhombochaetodon; tentatively placed here) Chaetodon citrinellus G.

Barnes ' McDunnough, 1911 (tentatively placed here) Idioses Turner, 1927 Macrocyttara Turner, 1918 Miacora Dyar, 1905 (tentatively placed here) Prionoxystus.

' McDunnough, 1910 (tentatively placed here) Hermophyllon Schoorl, 1990 Lakshmia Yakovlev, 2004 Morpheis Hübner, 1820 (tentatively placed here) Neurozerra.

The group sometimes separated as Cassymini is tentatively included in the Abraxini here.

1953 Family Rhysiidae Hickson ' Gravely, 1907; (tentatively placed here) Family Stylasteridae (tentatively placed here) Family Trichydridae Hincks, 1868.

Zicídeva (Greek: Ζικίδεβα) was an Early Byzantine town, tentatively identified with the late antique settlement excavated on the top of Tsarevets hill.

languages were also identified by Usher, and the West Pauwasi family tentatively expanded.

subalbidella; tentatively placed here) Elachista istanella Nielsen[verification needed] ' Traugott-Olsen.

Inanwatan Duriankere Noting low cognacy rates, Holton and Klamer (2018) tentatively consider Inanwatan–Duriankere, as well as Konda–Yahadian and the Nuclear.

Guinea: Konda Yahadian Noting low cognacy rates, Holton and Klamer (2018) tentatively consider Konda–Yahadian, as well as Inanwatan–Duriankere and the Nuclear.

By 2007 he had tentatively added Saparo–Yawan, which is itself provisional, and Bora–Witoto.

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