tetrachloromethane Meaning in Bengali
একটি বর্ণহীন আগুনপ্রতিরোধী চর্বি এবং তেল জন্য একটি দ্রাবক হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত তরল; তার বিষাক্ততার কারণ পরিষ্কার তরল বা অগ্নি নির্বাপক যেমন তার ব্যবহার হ্রাস পেয়েছে
Similer Words:
tetrachloromethane's Usage Examples:
Carbon tetrachloride, also known by many other names (such as tetrachloromethane, also recognised by the IUPAC, carbon tet in the cleaning industry, Halon-104.
Gelbkreuz was a composition of 80–90% of sulfur mustard and 10–20% of tetrachloromethane or chlorobenzene as a solvent which lowered its viscosity and acted.
phosphite as an example: The reaction takes place after the addition of tetrachloromethane and a base.
woodii could be used in the transformation of tetrachloromethane to dichloromethane and carbon dioxide by reductive dechlorinations.
cyclohexadienone (with the aid of aluminium chloride as a catalyst and tetrachloromethane as a solvent).
Thus tetraiodomethane (CI 4) is a solid whereas tetrachloromethane (CCl 4) is a liquid.
When quenched by tetrachloromethane the reaction product is a 1,4-dichlorobenzene and with methanol the.
yield of 95% and can be recrystallized from benzene/tetrachloromethane or ether/tetrachloromethane for purification.
Alkanes + tetrachloromethane: better with increasing tetrachloromethane content Magnetic susceptibility (χ) -109.
extensively, for example "ethoxyethane" instead of diethyl ether and "tetrachloromethane" instead of carbon tetrachloride.
Zincke–Suhl reaction p-cresol is alkylated to a cyclohexadienone with tetrachloromethane.
diols +1 aldehydes +2 chloroform, hydrogen cyanide, ketones +3 carboxylic acids, amides, nitriles (alkyl cyanides) +4 carbon dioxide, tetrachloromethane.
"Charge-transfer complexes of cobaltocene and nickelocene with tetrachloromethane".
selectivity is low: No reaction takes place when the solvent is replaced by tetrachloromethane.
trichloroethane (1,1,1-trichloroethane) and carbon tetrachloride (tetrachloromethane), pesticides like 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB, ethylene dibromide), and.
It can be also prepared by more economical reaction of tetrachloromethane with aluminium bromide at 100 °C.
tetrachloromethane's Meaning':
a colorless nonflammable liquid used as a solvent for fats and oils; because of its toxicity its use as a cleaning fluid or fire extinguisher has declined