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theological doctrine Meaning in Bengali


আধ্যাত্মিক মতবাদ,

theological doctrine শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

প্রভাবিত মতবাদকে পরাভূত করে, এবং এরফলে বেদান্ত হিন্দুধর্মের স্থায়ী আধ্যাত্মিক মতবাদ হয়ে ওঠে ।

সত্তা সম্পর্কীয় মতবাদ হিসেবে ভাববাদ কে আধ্যাত্মিক মতবাদ বা আধ্যাত্মবাদ বলা হয় ।

জ্ঞানচক্র স্বামী নিগমানন্দ ভারতীয় এবং বিদেশী উভয় ধরনের বিরাজমান বিভিন্ন আধ্যাত্মিক মতবাদ বা দর্শনের প্রতি অত্যন্ত সহনশীল ছিলেন এবং বিবেচনা করতেন যে সেগুলির ।

মতবাদ, যার বেশিরভাগটা মনে করে রসবোধ-প্রবৃত্ত ব্যবহার অনেক স্বাস্থ্যকর; আধ্যাত্মিক মতবাদ, যেখানে রসবোধকে সৃষ্টিকর্তা থেকে পাওয়া উপহার হিসেবে বিবেচনা করতে পারে; ।

theological doctrine's Usage Examples:

As a theological doctrine, the uncreated nature of the Light of Tabor was formulated in the.

monotheletism (from Greek μονοθελητισμός / doctrine of one will), is a theological doctrine in Christianity, that holds Christ as having only one will.

Einigkeit; German, sakramentalische Vereinigung) is the Lutheran theological doctrine of the Real Presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Christian.

The believers' Church is a theological doctrine of Evangelical Christianity that teaches that one becomes a member of the Church by new birth and profession.

In creationism, special creation is a theological doctrine which states that the universe and all life in it originated in its present form by unconditional.

Consubstantiation is a Christian theological doctrine that (like transubstantiation) describes the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

controversy has roots in the early modern period, but Sophiology as a theological doctrine was formulated during the 1890s to 1910s by Vladimir Solovyov (1853–1900).

The theological doctrine of glorification goes on to describe how believers will be resurrected.

A proof text is a passage of scripture presented as proof for a theological doctrine, belief, or principle.

Divine simplicity, a theological doctrine that holds God is without parts Henosis, a concept in Greek mysticism.

called radical corruption or pervasive depravity) is a Christian theological doctrine derived from the concept of original sin.

As referred to in the theological doctrine of the communion of saints, in paradise there is a common and unique.

tradition has preserved not only the name but also an important theological doctrine.

passibilis, "able to suffer, experience emotion") describes the theological doctrine that God does not experience pain or pleasure from the actions of.

The Doctrine of Concomitance is a Eucharistic theological doctrine held by some Christians which describes the nature of Christ's presence in the bread.

also called dynamic monarchianism, is a Christian nontrinitarian theological doctrine which holds that Jesus was adopted as the Son of God at his baptism.

Depravity may refer to: Total depravity, a theological doctrine that derives from the Augustinian concept of original sin Lack of morality Sin, an act.

It specializes in Christian theological doctrine.

This theological doctrine was known as deism and gradually became the default view of many.

as well as in various other denominations Consubstantiation, a theological doctrine that holds that during the sacrament, the fundamental "substance".


school of thought; doctrine; Mahayanism; predetermination; philosophy; Jansenism; Monothelitism; consubstantiation; Thomism; Marcionism; Caesaropapism; Virgin Birth; Monophysitism; Docetism; millenarianism; ism; synergism; Zurvanism; Behmenism; Hinayanism; preordination; total depravity; antinomianism; philosophical system; Byzantinism; universalism; Nestorianism; Gnosticism; millenniumism; Christology; Athanasianism; Boehmenism; Neoplatonism; millenarism; predestination; reincarnation; Arianism; Erastianism; Rosicrucianism; Nativity; Episcopalianism; Pelagianism; theanthropism; Quakerism; chiliasm; foreordination; rationalism; transubstantiation; spiritualism;


Athanasianism; Arianism; internationalism; nationalism; monism;

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