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thereout Meaning in Bengali

 তাহা হইতে,


তাহা হইতে,

thereout শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তিনি উল্লেখ করেছেন, আমি যে কল নির্ম্মাণ করিয়াছিলাম তাহা হইতে উৎপন্ন আকাশোর্ম্মির দৈর্ঘ্য এক ইঞ্চির ছয় ভাগের এক ভাগ মাত্র ।

ইহার গায়ে ফাসিতে একটি লিপি খোদিত আছে, তাহা হইতে জানা যায় যে এই কামানটি প্রস্তুত করিতে একলক্ষ পচিশ হাজার টাকা লাগিয়াছিল ।

তাহা হইতে সর্বপ্রথম উৎপত্তি কারণ নির্গত হইল ।

[ব্রাহ্মসমাজ] লাইব্রেরি খুঁজিতে খুঁজিতে বহুকালের একটি জীর্ণ পুঁথি পাওয়া গিয়াছে, তাহা হইতে ভানুসিংহ-নামক কোনো এক প্রাচীন কবির পদ কাপি [কপি] করিয়া আনিয়াছি ।

thereout's Usage Examples:

Meridian, excepting thereout all of Section 4 and the south-west quarter of Section 6 of the said Township, and reserving thereout the rights granted to.

drained it at every bout; His eyes with tears ran over, As oft as he drank thereout.

Lozenges Azure (Lopes); 2nd and 3rd, in a landscape field a Fountain, issuing thereout a Palm-tree, all proper (Franco).

and Robert Lowry shall each put his hand into the said hatt, and take thereout one of the said scroles, and that the advowson of that parish which shall.

m Gylby after my debts funerall Charges and Legacies thereout paid I give the Sume to the s.

breaking and entering the dwelling house of Thomas Olive and stealing thereout 2 silver watches and other goods".

pounds, to "To hold for ever of the chief lord of the fee, by the service thereout due and of right accustomed.

Notes: Caps do not include matches played for the former Netherlands Antilles, but solely appearances for the thereout subsequent country of Curaçao.

in so intricate a labyrinth that I was even a-wearied to unwind myself thereout.

The Rock was pierced through and he escaped thereout and went to the castle of Loch-in-scuir and the clan of Muircertaigh Ua.

thereupon respectively within the county of Durham, and after deducting thereout all costs, charges, and expenses in any wise incidental to the sale or.

He showed me a very little powder of gold, saying it came thereout, and willed me to give him another piece to make a better proof.

demands whatsoever, to be to us, our heirs or successors, therefor or thereout rendered, made or paid; any grant, or clause, in a late grant, to the Governor.

unto my said nephew John Rugg the summe of one hundred pounds he paying thereout within three months next after his receipt thereof to my said Sister Dorcas.

Lord Rolle's will stated: "My said trustees shall and thereout keep up the establishment at Hudscott with the fields and lawn there now.

the Defendants (Appellants) in respect of taxes due to the Defendants thereout was invalid, and that a certain deed, dated the 1st October 1902, by which.

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