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thermonuclear reaction Meaning in Bengali


তাপপ্রয়োগে পারমাণবিক প্রতিক্রিয়া,

thermonuclear reaction's Usage Examples:

The accreted helium exploded in a thermonuclear reaction on the surface of the more massive white dwarf, resulting in the.

its sister project, Ivy Mike, failed in its attempt to achieve a thermonuclear reaction.

Gamma emission from these isomers may have enough energy to start a thermonuclear reaction, without requiring any fissile material.

work, he describes how to obtain electricity from a controlled thermonuclear reaction.

was notably successful because much of its yield came from its thermonuclear reaction instead of fission of a heavy uranium-238 tamper, making it a true.

initial phase of gravitational contraction) they ignite and sustain thermonuclear reaction of hydrogen (with itself) to form helium, and can make heavier elements.

then realized that this approach might be useful for starting a thermonuclear reaction.

could be easily heated and compressed and the shock would start the thermonuclear reaction prematurely.

them, and starting a thermonuclear reaction in it, contributing 50 Mt of explosion energy.

As a result of the thermonuclear reaction, huge numbers of high-energy.

described Trutnev producing the first "clean" nuclear charge, "a purely thermonuclear reaction" from a solid compound.

a sufficiently large asteroid (diameter > 100 m) could ignite a thermonuclear reaction.

trigger to provide the needed heat and compression to initiate the thermonuclear reaction in a layer of liquid deuterium between the fissile material and.

temperature reached in his experiments was far too low to produce a true thermonuclear reaction.


carbon cycle; nuclear fusion reaction; fusion; nuclear fusion;



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