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thousandfold Meaning in Bengali


thousandfold's Usage Examples:

environment in living cells where calcium ions are usually at least a thousandfold less concentrated than magnesium.

This is the case for Jupiter and the Sun; despite the Sun being a thousandfold more massive than Jupiter, their barycenter is slightly outside the Sun.

Intergalactic distances are roughly a hundred-thousandfold (five orders of magnitude) greater than their interstellar counterparts.

win 50, 60, 80 or 100 times of the receipt's purchase) and the weekly thousandfold cash reward (300, 400, 500 or 1,000 times the purchase).

There is a change in the most common type of bacteria and a hundred to thousandfold increase in total numbers of bacteria present.

Here Ānanda, the Thus Gone One pervades the three thousandfold and the great thousandfold world system with an effulgent light, so that those sentient.

Computing Systems program, its goal was to advance computer speed a thousandfold, creating a machine that could execute a quadrillion (1015) operations.

The resulting sonic attack (a nearby police siren amplified a thousandfold, for example) could be released in the form of a concentrated blast or.

morning brightness, You all around shine at me, Springtime, Beloved! With thousandfold love-bliss The holy feeling Of your eternal warmth Presses itself upon.

multiagency project led by DARPA with the goal of increasing computing speed a thousandfold, creating a supercomputer capable of one petaflop (a quadrillion [1015].

Although we have sworn a thousandfold that our blood shall not flow in vain, yesterday again we were tempted.

This raises the speed of protein C activation thousandfold.

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