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thrash out Meaning in Bengali

 আলোচনা দ্বারা সমাধান করা, আলোচনা দ্বারা সত্য অবধারণ করা,

thrash out's Usage Examples:

abolishing mechanical restraints and implementing meetings of daily staff to thrash out patient care.

The idea of electing a consultative body to thrash out a deal for devolution was also retained and in 1996 it was revived when.

"Parties to Vishwaroopam row willing to thrash out issues".

took refuge in the castle, which was so strong that the besiegers had to thrash out a deal with them to get them out.

Jenny and Alan remain silent while their parents try to thrash out suitable arrangements, and Mrs.

The conference also saw the establishment of a working party to thrash out details of the new group, consisting of Austen Brooks, Rosine de Bounevialle.

These writers used to meet regularly to thrash out literature, politics or whatever else was the topic of the day – a preparation.

It was here that the Football Association met in 1863 to thrash out the laws of a game now played in more than 200 countries across the globe.

international community, and it is something that people will have to thrash out with them.

1948 he assembled the Joint Chiefs of Staff at Key West, Florida, to thrash out the roles and missions.

Torquay complete swoop for pair Rogers is bidding to thrash out terms with midfielder Hewlett Matthew Hewlett at Soccerbase v t e.

"Talks set to thrash out IAR-Bell details".

During a studio break the four got together to thrash out names and it was Nol Klinhamer who suggested "The Square Set".

sub-licensees, RISCOS shareholders, and directors from RISCOS and Castle met to thrash out a peaceful settlement.

it was a pretty open-ended request so there was ample opportunity to thrash out the creative details and make sure the world of Basement Jaxx fit well.

for the first time in late 2017, and again in January 2018, aiming to thrash out a "historical negotiating framework" that will later lead to talks on.

"Rangers miss out on Goodwillie as Blackburn thrash out £2.


hash out; discuss; talk over; hammer out;


fair; unclassified;

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