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thrushes Meaning in Bengali

 গায়ক পক্ষী, শিশুদের মুখ ত্ত গলায় ক্ষত, ঘোড়ার পায়ের ক্ষতরোগ,


ঘোড়ার পায়ের ক্ষতরোগ, শিশুদের মুখ ত্ত গলায় ক্ষত, গায়ক পক্ষী,

thrushes শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হিমালয়ী বুলবুল (Pycnonotus leucogenys) বুলবুল পরিবারের গায়ক পক্ষী প্রজাতির পাখি ।

যখন ফুল আধান জন্য গায়ক পক্ষী, ঠাণ্ডা, এবং কাশি ব্যবহার করা হয় পাতার আধান, একটি পরে জন্ম টনিক হিসেবে ।

নাম:Phyllergates cucullatus) (ইংরেজি: Mountain tailorbird) এক ধরনের গায়ক পক্ষী

thrushes's Usage Examples:

The thrushes are a passerine bird family, Turdidae, with a worldwide distribution.

It is closely related to other thrushes such as the American robin and is widely distributed across North America.

three species are early offshoots from the Eurasian lineage of Turdus thrushes after they spread north from Africa.

Catharus thrushes, with relatively longer wings.

The hermit thrush has the white-dark-white underwing pattern characteristic of Catharus thrushes.

similarly plumaged song and Chinese thrushes; these three species are early offshoots from the Eurasian lineage of Turdus thrushes after they spread north from.

only to the similarity in size (and in Chamaeza also coloration) to true thrushes, not to an evolutionary relationship.

three families Muscicapidae, Sylviidae (Old World warblers) and Turdidae (thrushes).

has the white-dark-white underwing pattern characteristic of Catharus thrushes.

thought it related to shrikes or vangas, though its form was reminiscent of thrushes.

Shrikethrushes were commonly known as colluricinclas in the 19th century.

Wildlife includes nuthatches, song thrushes, purple hairstreak butterflies, yellow meadow ants and pipistrelle bats.

True thrushes are medium-sized mostly insectivorous or omnivorous birds in the genus Turdus of the wider thrush family, Turdidae.

thrushes are in the genus Turdus, characterised by rounded heads, longish, pointed wings, and usually melodious songs.

Although two European thrushes.

It includes the quail-thrushes and jewel-babblers.

The quail-thrushes, jewel-babblers, whipbirds and wedgebills were traditionally.

birds of prey, and locally there may also be competition from other large thrushes such as the common blackbird, mistle thrush and fieldfare.

The rufous thrushes, also known as flycatcher-thrushes, are medium-sized insectivorous birds in the genus Stizorhina of the thrush family Turdidae.

Several additional populations of African Turdus thrushes were previously included within this group, but are now most commonly treated.

Many passerines breed in the scrub, and thrushes such as redwings and fieldfares feed on berries in the winter.

Chats (formerly sometimes known as "chat-thrushes") are a group of small Old World insectivorous birds formerly classified as members of the thrush family.


blackbird; clay-colored robin; chat; Luscinia luscinia; Turdus torquatus; mistletoe thrush; oscine; Old World chat; Turdus migratorius; bluethroat; ring blackbird; Hylocichla mustelina; merle; European blackbird; missel thrush; redbreast; redtail; snowbird; Turdus merula; fieldfare; mavis; wood thrush; American robin; mistle thrush; solitaire; robin redbreast; Turdidae; hermit thrush; song thrush; Turdus viscivorus; Hylocichla fuscescens; Turdus philomelos; Old World robin; ring ouzel; redstart; Turdus iliacus; nightingale; Erithacus rubecola; Wilson"s thrush; redwing; wheatear; Hylocichla guttata; ring thrush; robin; bluebird; Luscinia megarhynchos; Turdus greyi; throstle; Erithacus svecicus; ousel; oscine bird; thrush nightingale; Turdus pilaris; family Turdidae; merl; ouzel; veery;

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