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thrust out Meaning in Bengali


ছেড়ে দিতে চাইছেন,

thrust out's Usage Examples:

of Celtic dominance in Transylvania, that is, that they were possibly thrust out of Dacia by the growing power of an indigenous dynasty.

or call-out culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media.

The ridges on either side of the valley thrust out into the sea as the headlands of Mesco and Levanto.

The corners of the building thrust out and support a pediment, on top of each rests a tower crowned with an urn-shaped.

focused on only one point, thought, or goal and all other thoughts are thrust out.

The stamens are thrust out with the sepals bent back.

The background, the Madonna's pose (with knee thrust out and the Christ Child clinging to her neck) and the male saint with an.

Globe has a rectangular stage platform, also known as an 'apron stage', thrust out into the middle of the open-air yard.

notable 3-D scenes as everything from oranges, water, and breasts are thrust out toward the audience.

common theme running through her work involves a female character "who is thrust out on her own from a sheltered environment into a vaguely hostile external.

His right foot is forward and body leaning to the right, with his hips thrust out awkwardly to the left.

It ended the Celtic domination and it is possible Celts were thrust out of Dacia.

The Committee of Estates, thrust out of Edinburgh, took refuge under Monro's protection at Stirling, where.

muscular fibrils formed from the endoderm permit tentacles to be protract or thrust out once they are contracted.

Several steep and heavily wooded ridges thrust out east and west from the central crest of the wilderness.

"The mutinous soldiers thrust out the tribunes and the camp-prefect; they plundered the baggage of the fugitives.

Various contortions of the limbs during which the tongue is frequently thrust out incredibly far and the orbits of the eyes enlarged so much that a circle.

answered them, On this condition I will make a covenant with you, that I thrust out all your right eyes, and lay it for a reproach upon all Israel.

Within Ka-gi city, and a limited area around, 1,216 persons were suddenly thrust out into the eternal world.

A rectangular stage platform, also known as an apron stage, thrust out into the middle of the open-air yard.


push; obtrude; force; push out;


pull; attract; criticize; retreat; stay in place;

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