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thumbnail Meaning in Bengali




thumbnail's Usage Examples:

When searching for an image, a thumbnail of each matching image is displayed.

When the user clicks on a thumbnail, the image is displayed in a larger.

Clickbait is a text or a thumbnail link that is designed to attract attention and to entice users to follow that link and read, view, or listen to the.

It allows to embed a thumbnail image in 3 different formats.

The thumbnail data depends on the thumbnail format as follows: The newer Exchangeable.

Desktop Update for Windows 95 and 98, a thumbnail cache is used to store thumbnail images for Windows Explorer's thumbnail view.

A thumbnail gallery post (TGP) is a website that provides links to free Internet pornography.

A distinctive feature of this road is the pink central barrier (see thumbnail); it may be the only coloured barrier in Ireland.

The thumbnail crab, Thia scutellata, is a species of decapods, in the family of thiidae ,whose carapace resembles a human thumbnail, a dense fringe of.

Manager exposes a public API that allows any application to access the same thumbnail representations that Flip3D uses, and so there are a number of third party.

range of subject matter includes everything from amateur sex blogs and thumbnail gallery posts to news about sex in popular culture and advertising.

One important variety of scraper is the thumbnail scraper, a scraper shaped much like its namesake.

zoom into a text object it may be represented as a small dot, then a thumbnail of a page of text, then a full-sized page and finally a magnified view.


thumb; pollex; fingernail;



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