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tiredly Meaning in Bengali

tiredly's Usage Examples:

And I tiredly put my head on the table, my arms under my head, just for a few seconds.

During the Doctor's initial attempts to outwit Mentos, the computer tiredly asked him if he was going to ask it "one of those tricky fox-the-computer.

Steve confronts Roger over the calls and tiredly agrees to a month's membership.

The latke tiredly explains that it is more important to light the candles eight nights in.

The group runs away into the jungle and is tiredly marching along when Lamb steps on a landmine.

been desultory; her voice sounded tinny and trailed off; her body sagged tiredly.

Fragile colour removed, wings faded and become transparent and tough, I tiredly knock at window of human being.

watch for hours, days or even months, feeling inadequate and useless while tiredly sitting near a bedside or restlessly walking up and down, aimlessly, like.

Ernest tiredly declares, "I came, I saw, I got blowed up" and then passes out.

forehead, kisses him on the cheeks, then Jerry salutes him, while Tom tiredly returns the salute.

She decides tiredly to leave them be.

Wisdom of a human can be read from manly features, tiredly covered with eyelids eyes and frowns of Nizami.

When finally, they cross the Inn river, tiredly from gallops, they gather together: there they [decided to] camp, they.

little faux-backstage unheated (or cooled) rooms with no bathrooms, gazing tiredly out at the rain, which persisted as though it was a permanent feature of.

while MC Mong lays down in the black background setting after dancing tiredly.

Meaning: "Women will not consider about the money their husbands have tiredly made.

However when they prepare to depart, the messiah, Shua, declares tiredly that he wishes to quit.

staircase that takes him until bedtime to reach the top of, at which point he tiredly goes to bed and sleeps until next morning's automatic wakeup.



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