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to the purpose Meaning in Bengali


to the purpose's Usage Examples:

In naval terminology, "sloop-of-war" refers to the purpose of the craft, rather than to the specific size or sail-plan, and thus.

member states of the UN attacking other UN member states is central to the purpose for which the UN was founded in the wake of the destruction of World.

concepts of history painting and mimesis, imitation of nature, as central to the purpose of art.

discharging any function affecting land within an AONB to have regard to the purpose of conserving and enhancing natural beauty.

The Iberian part of its name alludes to the purpose of unifying Spanish and Portuguese anarchists in a Pan-Iberian organization.

collections in Edinburgh University Old College were moved in 1967 to the purpose-built eight-storey Main Library building at George Square.

These were fitted to the purpose-built wooden, plywood-covered fuselage (longerons: ash forward of the.

way to do this was to develop a pidgin, or simplified language suited to the purpose; in turn, full creole languages developed from these pidgins.

However, after the European objections to the purpose, the United States was forced to backtrack on planning to build a global.

compulsive behavior is that the likely excessive activity is not connected to the purpose to which it appears directed.

entrance mural and its astrological orientation, may provide clues to the purpose of the temple.

In addition to the purpose of harvesting wood, clearcutting is used to create land for farming.

when the military government relocated the administrative functions to the purpose-built capital city of Naypyidaw in north central Myanmar.

relocated to the County Ground, Southampton until 2000, before moving to the purpose-built Rose Bowl in West End, which is in the Borough of Eastleigh.

human evolution was perfectly carried out and realised in obedience to the purpose of God.

processors used within the field of mastering are almost entirely dedicated to the purpose; engineered to a high-standard, often possessing low signal-to-noise.

The specific configuration may vary due to the purpose of the system.

latterly played their home games at De Montfort Park, having moved to the purpose built football stadium in March 2005.

Some aircraft, due to the purpose of the design, do carry more, such as the GAU-8 mounted on the A-10.

When the majority of the Everton set-up left Anfield in order to move to the purpose built Goodison Park Barclay was one of the people who stayed to form.


intention; aim; design; purpose; intent;


uncreativeness; irresoluteness; nonfunctional; functional; uselessness;

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