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tonal Meaning in Bengali

 স্বরসংক্রান্ত, বর্ণসংক্রান্ত, স্বনসংক্রান্ত, সুর সংক্রান্ত,


সুর-সংক্রান্ত, স্বনসংক্রান্ত, বর্ণসংক্রান্ত, স্বরসংক্রান্ত,

tonal শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

‘মীরাবাঈয়ের কবিতা’ কবি রবার্ট ব্লির সাথে; শ্রুতিল্য রেকর্ডস চেন্নাই, ভারত ‘স্বরসংক্রান্ত অভিব্যক্তি’; স্পিক ইজি রেকর্ডস - মিনেসোটা, মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ‘শব্দগুলি ।

সংকরজং - লিথোফোন থালি - ধাতব থালা থাট্টুকাযী মান্নাই যক্ষগণের ঘণ্টা স্বরসংক্রান্ত জল তরঙ্গ , জলভরা চীনামাটির বাটি কাঁচ তরঙ্গ , এক ধরণের কাঁচের বীণা কাষ্ঠ ।

বিভিন্ন আফ্রিকান ভাষার মতো ইউই স্বরসংক্রান্ত

tonal's Usage Examples:

are called tonal languages; the distinctive tone patterns of such a language are sometimes called tonemes, by analogy with phoneme.

first note of a scale) and the tonal center or final resolution tone that is commonly used in the final cadence in tonal (musical key-based) classical.

Atonality in its broadest sense is music that lacks a tonal center, or key.

Atonality, in this sense, usually describes compositions written from about.

in almost all Western popular music remains tonal.

[vague] Harmony in jazz includes many but not all tonal characteristics of the European common practice.

developed into a solidly tonal language, probably as a result of areal linguistic effects and contact with the diverse tonal languages spoken on Hainan.

Barapasi is tonal, with a high tone and low tone.

Tibetan as it preserves the word-initial consonant clusters and it is non-tonal, both now elided in the Ü-Tsang branch (including Lhasa Tibetan).

denote the relationship of a chord or a scale degree to a tonal centre.

Two main theories of tonal functions exist today: The German theory created by Hugo.

It is also a tonal language.

Some minimal pairs demonstrating phonemic tonal contrasts: áalìyò ‘tongue’, áalíyò ‘house’ kíilyô ‘possum’, kíilyò ‘arrow’.

scale is a set of twelve pitches (more completely, pitch classes) used in tonal music, with notes separated by the interval of a semitone.

Golin is a tonal language, distinguishing high ([˧˥]), mid ([˨˧]), and low ([˨˩]) tone.

Mor or Moor is a tonal Austronesian language in the putative Cenderawasih branch (Geelvink Bay) of Indonesian Papua.

in Theory and Practice: Volume II While the ultimate harmonic goal of a tonal composition is the final tonic triad, there will also be many interior harmonic.

Bumang (Chinese: 布芒语) is a tonal Austroasiatic language of Yunnan, China.

The Miji languages have a relatively simple tonal system with only two tone: high and low.

E is a tonal language—distinguishing between seven tones—and contains a few rare phonemes:.

new tonal values, "˨˩" (Buáng-ĭng-ké̤ṳ, 半陰去) and ˧˥ (Buáng-iòng-ké̤ṳ, 半陽去) occur in connected speech (see Tonal sandhi below).

The rules of tonal sandhi.




unkeyed; atonic; debilitating; atonal;

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